All of this turkey eating has had us taking cat naps longer then normal. We hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and got to eat some good stuff.
Pandora tagged us for this animal meme. Sorry it took us so long to do it Pandora. We were just lazy over the holiday weekend.
Favorite place to sleep?
Opus: On the cat bed in front of the radiator in the bedroom.
Roscoe: On the cat bed in front of the radiator in the hallway.
Favorite music?
Opus: Classical music
Roscoe: Broadway musicals, especially "Cats"!
Favorite toy?
Opus: Feathers on a string and empty boxes
Roscoe: A vet doll that my Grandma gave me when I was kitten. It has cat nip in it. I still have it after 10 years and still love playing with it!
Favorite flavor of Stinky Goodness?
Opus and Roscoe: We love anything that smells like fish (even if it makes our breath stink)! YUM!
Favorite human?
Opus: The female human of course!
Roscoe: Yea, she has been the only constant thing in our lives. We were given the female human for Christmas ten years ago and we still have her! Too bad she doesn't smell like cat nip like my toy!
Favorite game?
Roscoe: We like to play fight.
Opus: Yea, sometimes it sounds so real that the female human comes and breaks it up. She must think that we are really fighting.
Roscoe: Well, you do bite rather hard sometimes.....
Opus: Just pay back my little friend (snicker snicker)!
Favorite window?
Opus: We love the bedroom window!
Roscoe: The sun shines in there all afternoon. Perfect for sun bathing!

Favorite naughty thing to do?
Roscoe: I enjoy jumping on the human's bed at three in the morning and meowing for no good reason.
Opus: I like to sharpen my claws on the furniture. It is strange though, no matter how hard I try I am not able to tear the fabric. I just don't understand.
Female human: Shhhh, the boys don't remember being declawed when they were kittens.
And now we tag Derby, Charlie, Edsels, Boni and Gigolo Kitty!