And so over the weekend, my email box and comment box began to burst with well wishes from friends old and new. Here are some they sent...

The Island

I also received a ton of e-cards which I am not able to post, but I thank you all for sending me birthday wishes. It sure wasn't the same this year without my brother here to celebrate, but you all made me feel so very blessed. It is wonderful to know that there are so many wonderful animals and humans out there in the Blogosphere who care! I thank you from the bottom of my heart; you have made an old cat so very happy. And even better, you were able to make my human smile (which isn't easy these days).
I will be sending you all personal emails, but please give me a little time. My human hasn't allowed me my usual computer time. As IF she has a life of her own! I promise to get back to each one of you who left me a comment or sent me a card or email.
I will be sending you all personal emails, but please give me a little time. My human hasn't allowed me my usual computer time. As IF she has a life of her own! I promise to get back to each one of you who left me a comment or sent me a card or email.
"The only way to have a friend is to be one."
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Thank you for being my friends....