Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Behind The Scene Photos
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Waiting for Santa Paws
Saturday, December 20, 2008
The After Party

With the conclusion of The Momomo Caper, the entire cast and crew headed to Honolulu where Little Productions is treating us to a cast party. Head on over to Karl's blog
for all of the details and photos!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Now Showing!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Opus, the Feline Fellini

back row left to right: Francis Ford Coppola, Geroge Lucas, and Steven Spielberg
back row left to right: Opus Fellini, Martin Scorsese, Martin Scorsese's eyebrows
Don't forget to tune into Sassy's blog
tomorrow for the CCSI Episode 4 world premiere!

The Cast and Crew of CCSI IV
Friday, December 12, 2008
Bad News & Good News
Yes the rumor is true. I was asked to leave the set of CCSI IV by Sassy and when I wouldn't go she call on Dr. Tweety to help escort me out. I have been working as director on the newest mystery that is about to air and thought things were going well. You could imagine the shock I felt when I was "invited" to leave . . .

Photo by Sassy
. . . but it turns out that she had me escorted off of the set because there was a surprise waiting for me in the CCSI auditorium!
Sassy knows how hard it has been working on CCSI IV without having my brother, Roscoe, here along side of me. She wanted to make him a part of this even though he isn't physically here. She contacted the renowned Dr. Tweety to write an ode to honor Roscoe. Not only did he agree to write an ode but he read it to me in a private reading with the executive board of Little Productions there. This is so special to me I want to thank all involved in this surprise for their kindness, thoughtfulness, and love. I now invite you to join us for a second reading of Dr. Tweety's Ode to Opus and Roscoe....
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Coming Soon!

As the director of CCSI IV, I have to tell you how proud and honored I am to be working with such a talented staff of actors and crew members. Be sure to tune into Sassy's blog on December 15Th to watch "The Momomo Caper", a story inspired by actual events!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Dove Sei Arcobaleno?

Today marks three months since Roscoe left us. With the holidays coming up, our house has been a bit sad. You see, Christmas was the day when Roscoe and Opus came into my life. To see his little Christmas stocking with his name written on it just breaks my heart. I never imagined that last Christmas was to be our last together.
This is a song that I came across just days after Roscoe passed away. It is by one of my favorite Italian artists, Zucchero, and it has a very special meaning to me. With the help of my husband, I have translated it into the English. I think the song (which is playing in the background) will speak for itself.
When I see a beautiful rainbow, the golden sun or a magical moon shining down at me from the sky, I always think of Ros.....
è Delicato
By Zucchero
You know it isn’t the end.
Yes, you know it...
That May comes
And melts the frost.
Yes, you know it...
Pieces of winter
lost in the wind.
I am not tired, no no
And I go searching for you
In a burgundy dream.
This heart
is scattered.
The world goes away.
This desperate heart
is delicate.
Where are you rainbow?
And what are you doing?
Wild honey, when I dream of you,
what are you doing?
In my heart,
between the nothing
and the farewell...
This heart
is scattered.
The world goes away.
This desperate heart
is delicate.
How much I miss you
In the universe
And in the center of the world.
How I look for you.
And I scream out loud
in the center of the world.
Only I,
I am able to find you.
Only I,
And I am on my knees,
Only I.
Can lift you up,
Only I,
How many moons?
Only I,
Can repair your heart,
Only I,
I am the shade,
And you, you are the sun.
Yeah, yeah,
How much I miss you!
Yeah, yeah,
And I scream out loud
Yeah, yeah,
In the center of the world!
My sun, answer me!
This heart is
and delicate
and it’s all there.

Cosi’ mi manchi.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Our "Vacation" in Cairo
You see, Karl and Ruis were going to Cairo for a romantic vacation. Sassy thought it would be fun to surprise them. So we packed ourselves into a suitcase which was then delivered to Karl and Ruis with strick instructions NOT to open it until they arrived at their destination. Unfortunately, our dear friends sat the suitcase down in their hotel suite and then forgot about it.

(photo by Karl)
Then it was time to NOT pack our bags, get on the flying carpet, and head home.

We had such a great evening in Cairo with Karl and Ruis that we quickly forgot about our time spent in the suitcase. HOWEVER, the next time we travel I don't think that I will let Sassy make our transportation reservations!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
An Arabian Night
Later I took her for a camel ride at sunset. We had a little trouble getting up onto the camel, but once there the ride went smoothly.

All that eating and dancing made me sleepy, so I slipped away to find a quiet spot to curl up. While I was asleep, I dreamed that I was a great Sheik with a magical lamp and one special genie!

Of course my favorite part of the night was when Mrs. Oz rubbed a lamp and all of our friends from across the bridge, including Roscoe, appeared in a cloud of smoke and sang happy birthday.
The entire day was, in a word, magical. But all good things must come to an end, as did the party. I said good night to Miss Lacie and she boarded the magic carpet with Socks and Stanley to return home.
With all of the guests gone Momo, Asta, Sassy and I packed our bag.

We are off for a very fun vacation, but don't tell Karl and Ruis; it is a surprise!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Happy Birthday Ruis!
Karl sent his magic flying carpet to pick up all of the guests. Miss Lacie was kind enough to accept my invitation to the party and came as my date.

Be sure to throw on your best outfit and stop by Karl's while the party is in full swing! Make sure you also stop by Ruis's to wish him a very happy belated birthday!