Once my mystery date and I got the van loaded up, it was time to hit the road. I was very excited to introduce her to my friends, but my mystery date wanted to make a grand entrance at the hotel. So she decided to hide inside of her suitcase, until everyone was there.

I charge in of getting everyone to Sicily. There were so many friends joining us at the beautiful castle, that I had to make several trips!

At last we were all there and "SHE" was ready to make her grand appearance.
"Dearest friends, it is with great pleasure that I introduce you to my mystery date Miss Sophia!"

"Sophia was a gift that Karl had sent to me and Roscoe, as a thank you for being judges in his "I Dare You" competition. Miss Sophia arrived in Italy just after Roscoe passed away and has since kept me company during these difficult months. And I love her, but I love her in the way that you would a love a good friend or a dear sister. I thought that the Valentine's day party would be the perfect time to introduce her to all of my wonderful friends".
Unfortunately, my mystery date had never ridden in a flying, magic van before and had gotten air sick while hiding in her suitcase! Poor thing!
Sophia hugged all of my friends before retiring to her room where she spent the rest of the weekend trying to get over her motion sickness.
I, on the other hand, spent a wonderful weekend with my dear friends, enjoying wonders of Sicily!