There is nothing like the isolation and serenity of a box to give a mancat a chance to collect his thoughts and solve the problems of the world...
Oh great! The female human has showed up and she brought her stinking camera with her!
Oh goody! Look who else has decided to join the party! Can't a man cat have a moment to himself? Go away kid, ya bother me!

That's more like it! Keep moving! Nothing more to see here!
And take your human with you!
Hey! What's going on back there?
Sneaking up behind me are you? Hey? I'm talking to you!
Olive! Hey, you forgot something!
Get back here and take your human with you!
Olive! OLIVE!!! Olive? Women!
That's it! I'm going to the one place a
mancat can go without being disturbed...
... the litter box! I'm outta here!