Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Thursday, September 24, 2009
A Kidnapping?

Some have said that a picture is worth a thousand words and this one is no exception. It would appear that poor Asta is kidnapped by the gang. Head over to her place to find out what is going on and where they are going?
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
While I stayed up late studying about ancient Roman history, Ollie snuck away in the magic flying van and picked up the gang. She then dropped them off at the Colosseum where they spent the night getting everything in order for the perfect party.
Imagine my surprise when we arrived this morning only find my best friends waiting for me, Sassy, Karl, Momo, Ruis, and Asta! Doesn't the Colosseum look wonderful? (photo by Karl)
We took a quick group shot before putting on our nicest togas!
There was a parade in Rome, held in my honor. I walked proudly down the ancient streets with my best friends at my side.
Afterwards, we found some chariots and decided to have a race. We were thinking about using Olive as a speed bump! Hehehehehehe! Can you believe I won???? I think my friends might have let me win because it is my birthday. Aren't they the greatest?
Later at the Colosseum, I sat in the first row where I watched gladiators pretending to do battle. It reminded me of the time Roscoe was bullfighting with a chicken! Hehehehe! Throughout the day my thoughts have turned to Roscoe, like the time we went to Rome with Asta. Instead of feeling sad it makes me smile. I had 13 wonderful years with the best brother a cat could have asked for!

We decided to drink a toast to Roscoe on his 14th birthday. Then we made a toast to me! Then we toasted Cat Naps in Italy's 4th anniversary. Then we toasted to friendship. After that, I can't remember what we toasted but I am sure it was something! Hehehehehe!

(photo by Asta)
So welcome to my birthday party! You may pick out which toga you would like to wear; a gift that you may take home with you so that you always remember your day with us in Rome.

Please come in and join the fun...

(photo by Sassy)
You are just in time as we are about to cut the beautiful cake that Sassy has prepared for me. That cat just keeps outdoing herself!
Sassy has catered the party. As you can see there is plenty to eat so please, help yourselves. We have roasted duck, wild boar, and caramelized figs on the menu. There are also fresh vegetables and fruits to choose from, not to mention authentic Roman bread and lentils.

We have a large wine selection to chose from. May I suggest the Vino San Giovese? It pairs wonderfully with the wild boar.

Be sure to mingle with the other guests. You will find the ladies enjoying the chocolate fountain.

(photo by Sassy)
While us man cats enjoy a cold beer with some potatochips before lunch. After we eat there will be live music and dancing. The dogs are free to run laps around Circus Maximus if they feel the need for exercise. There is a quiet corner in the last row at the top of the Colosseum. It is a great spot for a catnap should anyone feel tired. Thank you for coming to my party! I hope you enjoy yourself!

(photo by Sassy)
I tell you, there is nothing like good friends to make you feel like a king (or a cesar)!
Thanks to each and everyone of you who stopped by today or sent me a card. You really know how to make an old cat happy!
Monday, September 21, 2009
A Surprise Birthday Party for Opus
Shhhhhhhhh! Don't tell Opus! Tomorrow is his birthday and we are going to throw him a great, big, surprise party! Help us, Sassy, Momo, Asta, Karl, Ruis and myself, celebrate Opus's big day!
Where: Tomorrow, September 22

Tomorrow is also Cat Naps in Italy's blogoversary!
So grab your togas and head on over to Rome!
Be sure to stop by for a wonderful party!
Hope to see you there!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Remembering Roscoe: One Year Later

There are days when I think to myself "wow, it has been a year ALREADY?". Then there are days when I think "wow, it has ONLY been a year?". I don't understand how it can feel like Roscoe has just died while feeling like he has been gone forever, both at the same time.

My husband says that Roscoe is still here in our home. That he can see Roscoe's tail just behind the corner. That he feels as if Roscoe is taking a nap under bed, like he enjoyed doing so often. These types of thoughts seem to be enough for my husband. That if you can think of Roscoe still wandering our halls at night, it will keep the pain of losing him at bay.

My husband is right to think such things. Roscoe is here with us, just not in the way I want him to be. I want to pick him up and feel his soft fur on my skin. I want to gaze into his loving green eyes. I want to hear the meow that woke me up so many times in the middle of the night. I want Roscoe here with me in the physical sense.

Roscoe was a character. From the first time I met him on Christmas day in 1995 till the end of his life, Roscoe's personality was unchanged. As a kitten he was loving, clumsy, boisterous, funny, talkative, playful, open-hearted, and sweet; exactly how he was later in life.
Unlike his brother, Roscoe wouldn't let you pick him up for a snuggle whenever you wanted. He snuggled only on his terms when HE wanted to snuggle. Of course that made it all the more special when he would curl up on your lap.

Roscoe didn't like to be cold. So in the winter months, when our house would turn into a refrigerator in spite of working radiators, he would bury himself under our down filled blankets. Another way he kept warm was by making himself a bed on the top of my head. I lost count of the number of times that I would wake up in the night to Roscoe snuggling down on my pillow, his front paws dangling down into my face. I always felt so much love from that cat as I fell back to sleep with the warmth of his body on my head.

I refer back to something that I read in a book called "Tuesdays with Morrie" by Mitch Albom. It is a saying that gives me great comfort whenever a loved one is lost, human or furry.
"As long we can love each other, and remember the feeling of love we had, we can die without ever really going away. All the love you created is still there. All the memories are still there. You live on-in the hearts of everyone you have touched and nurtured while you were here."
Roscoe, all the love you created is still here in our home. You have died without ever really going away. And if I close my eyes and try really hard, I too can see your tail just behind the corner.