Today is my 16 birthday, and Olive and I were spending a quiet morning sharing memories of the years that we have spent together. Olive is a wonderfu little nurse, and she and the human have been keeping an keen eye on me make sure I take all of my meds in order to get my health back on track. I thought the day was going to be a quiet one but I was wrong . . .

. . . Ollie teleported us over to our Aunt Gracie's place where I found out my friends were throwing a surprise birthday party in my honor. Jan's FF gang was there along with Momo, Asta, Karl, Ruis, and of course Aunt Gracie.
The party will last all day and everyone is welcome. Please head on over to help celebrate with us.
Thank you to all my friends who sent cards, gifts, left comments or stopped by Gracie's to join in on my party fun. This party has been the highlight of my troubled year and I am so blessed to have so many furry friends who love and care about me. Thank you for making my 16th birthday extra special!