Just a reminder that tomorrow is our Mafia Movie Marathon. We will posting photos of our friend who come in costume (real or digital), so send us your photos (catnapsinitaly@yahoo.com). See you tomorrow or else you'll be sleeping with the fishes! -Opus
Ummmm, I like fishes.- Roscoe
You really gotta toughen up kid! - Opus
OOOO! can we come wifout a costume? mommy doesn't haf photoshop and I, Sammy the Whapper, will not wear a costume!
Meezers- Of COURSE you can come without a costume! Can't wait to see you tomorrow!
Opus and Roscoe
I'll be there but I can't have a photo. You know how the press has been acting lately!
I cannot wait for tomorrow!!! I was very careful with my Flapper suit so it would not be ruint before the Mafia Movie Marathon.
See you soon, I can hardly wait! Hope you received the bootleg gin & beer I picked up when I went to Chicago. I have told all of my blog paw pals about the party. SEE YOU SOON!
well, letz zee, i think i weel try to come, but i steel don't underztand why zee partee cannot be about PIRATE moveez! i already have zee costume!
johnny from france
Wow, here's another cool poster!! I'll try to stop by tomorrow!! Gonna be fun!!! :)
Momo xoxo
Don Pyewacket, Don Tigger and Don Trixie wish to let you know that their Mob, which is part of The Family, will be there. They are bringing popcorn and cans of Dr Pepper, which was appropriated from a shipment She got sent up from The Family down south (well, from usafoods.com.au down in Melbourne actually).
Oh, and another thing. If you need anything, we want you to know that "we got Connections."
Oh, all sounds verrry exciting. Scarface MoMo will be there! No costume so that my natural wonder will be revealed. Will the Dons from Canberra please make sure that their 'connections' are ship-shaped and foolproof; we don't want a repeat of the fiasco of Friday where the operation failed for want of batteries. I take it that the hot pink BMW chariot is on the standby for the occasion.
Everything is gonna to be AOK. Any dissention, I Scarface MoMo will make sure they be turned into mummies and placed on public view (see my blog). Ciao, until then!
(Whispering) Is anyone here yet? . . .Guess not, I think I'll lay down and get some rest. After all it is 3:30 am day of the party. Never can get used to this time difference. Oh well, at least I'll be here in the morning to help with any set up that might be needed.
The Godmother has sent me here early to check out the joint. But shhhhh! Don't want it known yet.
We got here a couple of hours ago. We're sittin' behind the computer, chewin' on the cords.
We sent in a pic of us via email, but in "The Family" we just come as ourselves. After all, there is "A Mob" of us. And we are from "The South".
This is Don Pyewacket, Don Trixie and Don Tigger. We are pressing our black suits and we all have identical violin cases. Well, Don Trixie has a viola case. We think she has extra food stashed in there.
We have our sunglasses on and we are in the pink car singing, "We are "Famiy". I got all my sisters and me. We are "Family."
Hey guys, we'd better stop and go back. We forgot to pick up Momo!!
HEY MEEZERS let's get this party goin. Wake up some of our sleepy guests OK?
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