Our sweet Roscoe fell terribly ill yesterday. He is home with us now and has an iv. He is not eating and doesn't want to drink much. More tests will be done tomorrow and then we will know what we are up against. Opus is the ever nurturing brother and is staying close. Please keep Roscoe in your thoughts and prayers.
Oh no this is not good news at all. I will purrrr and purrrray all the weekend through for our dear farm boy Roscoe to recover. All evening we have had a candle burning for him here at the cozy cottage. Please get better dear friend...I love you.
Your Miss Peach
Dear Roscoe,
I leard that you are not feeling well, I'm sending a lot of love and positive thoughts to comfort you and help you feel better, sweet baby.
Wish you a speedy recovery, hugs.
Oh Roscoe! You have our purrs and our prayers!
Please feel better soon!
Roscoe, we are purring for you. Love, Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Roscoe,pleeze get well. I am purring for you and sending you lots of warm purrs and hugs.
We are very sad to hear this! Roscoe, we are purring that you will feel better very soon.
Oh no! We are purring and purring for Roscoe!! Pleae keep us updated.
We are both purring for you...
Pixel and Samba
We are purring and purraying fur yoo to get better real fast Roscoe.
Oh Roscoe, I am purring my very hardest for you. Please stay strong!
Please get well, Roscoe! We're purring and hoping that you feel better soon. Please try to eat and drink a little - you need to keep up your strength.
Charlemagne and Tamar
Hi Roscoe,
I heard you were ill from Asta's blog. I am sorry to hear this and will also send you purrs and purrayers to get well soon! Power of the paw!
Dear Roscoe, We'e sending lots of Purrayers and purrs for you to get better fast!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Praying as hard as I can that Roscoe makes a full recovery and gets well soon! I have let all of our friends know so the prayer chain is started.
We are all pulling for you and hope you are back on your four feet soon.
This is sad news.I will pray hard for him to feel better...Hugs
We are purraying that Roscoe feels better real soon!!!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
We are purring hard for you to get well, Roscoe!
~ Sara and The Bunch
Roscoe I am purring for you really hard. I read all about the story that your mum sent out. Mum got all leaky eyed on me.
You have been on so many adventures lately, did you get a bad bug in Africa?
I hopes you gets better soonest. Will check in for updates.
We are purring and purring for Roscoe!
Junior and Orion
Oh, Roscoe, we is purraying very hard for you. Please get better!
Sedning some nose bump and purrs - feel better soon Roscoe
Roscoe we are purrring and purrraying for you! We will burn a candle here for you at home! Purrrs and ((((((hugs)))) to Opus and your Mom! We hope you feel better soon!
Your FL furiends,
Roscoe - We were visiting at Alasandra and The Cats and saw that you are not feeling well. We send purrs and prayers your way for getting well soon.
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie
We will prrrr and purray and wag our tails for Roscoe and Opus and you, Mom Cyndi. We know how hard it is for our humans when we get sick because you love us so much.
Please get well Roscoe!
{{{{{HUGS}}}}} and prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags,
Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus
Roscue is in our thoughts and puuurayers! We hope he feels better soon.
Oh sweet Roscoe we are all purraying for you ~ please get well furry soon ~ all our love..
We are purring and purring! Please get well soon! We love you!
The Cat Realm
We have been purring and purring and hope that he starts feeling better soon.
Hi Roscoe and family,
Just popped over from Asta's.
So sorry to hear you are unwell. I am sending lots of healing rotti slobbers sprinkled with love and get well kisses.
I hope you are feeling better soon and i will check in to see how you are doing.
Sending pawsative vibes and love
Ben xxxxx
Roscoe ... we're thinkin' of you an' purrayin' for your return to health.
Roscoe, we're so sad that you're sick. We are purring for you and sending healing energy and purraying for you.
Purrs and very soft headbumpies,
the Hotties
My Deaw sweet Roscoe
Pleeez get well..I'm wowwied sick about you..I love you and pway fow youw wecovewy
all my love and smoochie kisses
ess..my thoughts and love to youw Mom and Opus too who awe so sad to see you suffew
Both of us are purring like crazy for you, Roscoe. We hope that you will get better really fast. We're sending purrs and prayers for you and Opus and Mom Cyndi.
Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Paws crossed for Roscoe!
Kisses and hugs
Purring for Roscoe.
Sweet Roscoe, we are all purring for you. Please get well!
oh no. we will all purr and pray that Roscoe is already getting better and on the road to recovery. we will also purr and pray that whatever the VET finds is easy to treat and he gets all better soon.
oh nooes dat not gud! I be finkin of yoo an hopin fur fast recovery!
Us Ballicai are purrin and purrin fur preshus Roscoe. We are sendin lots and lots of love you your fambly and we hope sweet Roscoe gets bettur soon!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
we is purring and purring for you Roscoe!!
I am purring and purraying really hard for your early recovery. Please, please get well soon.
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