The moment you have all been waiting for, the winners of the Great Raffle Giveaway! We had so many wonderful friends donate prizes for the raffle that EVERYONE who donated money to the Cat Blogosphere will go home with a prize! Lets not keep you in suspense any longer......
Ruis and crew at Kattenprat have won a wonderful 2008 cat calender and a Nip Raviolis.
Momo the cat has won beautiful, handmade cat earrings with a matching bracelet.
Grace and Company have won a Francien scrapbook from the Netherlands.
Zoolatry has won a booklet written by our own Karl and the late Anastasia.
Miss Peach has won an orange, baby Squillion still wrapped in its blanket from the Green Wall Shelter.
Samantha and Tigger have won a fantastic 2008 cat calender and two bags of cat treats.
Chey, Gemini and Georgia have won a hand painted ceramic candy bowl by an Italian artist here in our town.
Pyewacket and Trixie have won a colorful 2008 cat calender and a Nip Raviolis.
Tigger the FBI Cat has also won a colorful 2008 cat calender and two bags of Greenies cat treats.
Parker has won a booklet that was written by Karl and, the late, Anastasia of The Cat Realm.
Kimiko and Yuki have won a water color of a cat in Rome painted by our Italian, male human.
Dragonheart has won a wonderful cat calender and a handmade, cat bookmark from Artsy Cat.
Tower Hill has won a soft, warm holiday snuggle.
Fat Eric has won a handmade, fleece, paw print snuggle.
Kaze has won a collection of 12 postcards of cats by various Dutch painters and two bags of cat treats.
Latte has won an orange, baby Squillion still wrapped in its blanket from the Green Wall Shelter.
Chase has won a warm, hand crocheted snuggle.
KC, MIssy, Momma Turtle and the babies have won a Cat Blogosphere tee shirt and a pair of cat socks.
Dinah and the mites have won Daisy's "friends are important" mug (perfect for coffee or hot chocolate).
Sassy has won an orange, baby Squillion still wrapped in its blanket from the Green Wall Shelter.
Karl has won a Cat Blogosphere tee shirt and a pair of cat socks.
We had one donation that was made without a name. If it was your donation, please contact us as we have drawn a prize for you.
Anonymous has won a fun, cat calender and two bag of cat treats.
I will need everyone who has won a prize to send their mailing address to catnapsinitaly@yahoo.com so we can then forward your address on to the cat who will be sending you your prize.

A BIG thank you to everyone who participated in The Great Raffle Giveaway. It would not have been a success without the help of our generous prize donors. Thank you to all of you who donated money to the Cat Blogosphere. A grand total of
$243.00 was raised for the Cat Blogosphere and that money will be put to good use.
A final thanks goes to the Cat Blogosphere for giving us blogging cats a place to come together.