This badge is for ANY animal who has been involved in any of the CCSI episodes (cast or crew). If you are a member (meaning you have worked on the shows or if you are a reviewer for the show) and would like a badge for your blog, simply copy the one above.
It is our desire to turn this badge into a working button; meaning that when you click on it, it will direct you to a page explaining CCSI and how to get involved. Right now there is just so much going on with the final production of the second episode that the button will have to wait.
In the meantime, copy the badge and enjoy it. When we have a code for a working button we will make an announcement for anyone who would like to replace their badge with the button.
Thank you to all cast and crew members, current and present, who have helped to make CCSI such a success!
Now I just have to get Momma to put it on the blog!
This is a brilliant idea and I love the design too. Great work. FAZ
You two are such hard workers!
oh it's beautiful!!
That is a really nice badge. Great work! I have already copied the one at your side bar earlier and displayed it in my blog.
Thankyou for your kind invitation. I love pasta!
I love LOVE your costumes... It is nice to see I wasnt the only kitty that dressed up. (:
Mew Mew
Big Hugs
That's a great badge and we can't wait to see the next show.
Wonderful badge! The CCSI sounds wike an awesome team!
Wanted to thank ya again for your help and support through each of the CCSI shows. You are so creative and talented in all that you do. The badge you designed will sure be a hit among our fellow cast/crew. This will kinda tie us all together with our experiences in this show. Thanks so much!!
Roscoe and Opus
You did an incwedible job designing that badge..I will be vewy pwoud to display it!
Thank you fow all youw wowk
smoochie kisses
We have our badge proudly displayed on both blogs and are thrilled and honored to be part of the production.
Thank you from Trixie, Pyewacket and also Tigger. :)
You've sure put a lot of work into the adventures and the badge is wonderful. You guys are very creative!
Love the title thingis on your blog, it is really nice looking!
The badge looks great! Just like the ones my boy gets fur scouting... but Mom's not sewin this one onto me! Or worse, ironin!
We haf so many updates we want to do to the blog, but Mom keeps puttin us off. At least we's busy wif the show!
What a terrific badge. I hope that I can get it onto my blog today!
Purrrrrs, Willow
Thanks for such a wonderful badge to go with our wonderful show! I'm going to try to post it on my blog today!
Purrrrrs, China Cat
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