We interrupt your normally scheduled posts at Cat Naps in Italy to bring you a special news bulletin. The humans have dumped us wonderful cats in order to play with their friends (the nerve). A very special guest is arriving all the way from America which means one thing for us, no computer. We will be back as soon as we can, please don't think us rude for our lack of posts or comments.
You know what they say, when the human is away the cats can't play (on the computer).
Be back soon!
Opus and Roscoe
Hurry back, I will miss you terribly!
We'll miss you. Let us know when you get back so we can work out when we can teleyport over to see you guys again!
Awwww, gee, I'll miss you! Come back soon! Don't forget we are on the set of CCSI.
We'll miss you. Humans can be so inconsiderate sometimes.
Oh , the nerve! I know what you are going through....
Congratulations on taking the parts of Detective Schlau and Alabaster Snowball. Very important parts, and I know that with your superior skills you will bring them to life like no one else could!!!
Congrats on your parts in Sassy's new production.
Jan's Funny Farm
You guys, we're gonna miss you. But maybe your people will be more relaxed after visiting with friends then they will give you all the computer time your want. Hurry back!
Aw, fooey. Hurry back yall :)
Alla Us
Miss ya guys, it just isn't the same without ya around causin some fun stuff to do. Hope to see ya soon.
Hello Opus & Roscoe!!
I love the orange van!
I just read a great review of CCSI at Tybalt's blog. You might want to check this out!
Hope you two are having a good time!
Momo xoxo
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