Today is Earth Day! We thought it would be a great opportunity to share some way that we pets can help Mother Earth by choosing to live a grenner lifestyle. We present :
Opus and Roscoe's Tips
on how to be a Greener Pet

Tip One: Save WaterCats are naturally earth friendly creatures as we don't like to waste water by taking baths. We suggest to our doggy friends that they try giving themselves a bath by simply licking the dirt off of their own fur, rather than have the humans wash them in the tub. This way you can save on water and soap.
Tip Two: Cut Back on Litter WasteThe most obvious way to help out the environment is to eliminate all that kitty litter that ends up on the dumpster. There are several ways you can cut back on litter waste. For starters, you could just use the neighbors flower garden as your personal bathroom. We are sure that your neighbor won't mind as we all know that poo poo makes for great fertilizer. Just think how much your neighbor will thank you when her beautiful flowers grow big and strong.
Another way to eliminate the kitty litter waste is by placing your "left overs" in a paper bag, place it on your neighbors front porch, light it on fire, ring the doorbell and run like crazy! This seems to be a joke that the humans like to use (we saw it in a movie). Just think how hard your neighbor will laugh when stomping out the flaming, bag of poo!
Another option is to use the humans litter box. This might be difficult for any cats who are afraid of water as the humans use water rather than sand in their box.
Our last option is to simply use an
earth friendly cat liter in your kitty box.
Tip Number Three: Use earth friendly toysThere are plenty of options for finding earth friendly cat toys. Our favorite toys are the organic ones like house flies, moths, small birds, and spiders. There are also more elaborate organic toys like scorpions and lizards, but those might be harder to come by.
If you are not interested in earth friendly toys of the living kind, there are plenty of places where you can buy
earth-friendly-man-made toys.
Tip Four:
Conserve EnergyWe all know that it is good for the planet if we can conserve as much energy as possible. Being earth friendly kitties, we try to do this as often as possible. Whenever you can try to find a warm, soft place to curl up and save energy. Not only is to good for the planet, but it is good for you as well.
We think we have done a good job of coming up with ways to be an earth friendly pet. However, if you have any other tips please leave them in our comment section.
Having Earth Day is a wonderful way to get people to stop and think about ways in which they can make our planet a better place. But even more importantly, we think you should make EVERY day earth day. If you haven't done so already, start looking into ways in which you can contribute. It can be something as simple as recycling in your own home.
Be sure to stop by
the Earth Day website to see what is going on around the world today.

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