What an exciting day! We left Italy early this morning in our flying van. Our destination? The Cat Realm! Our friend, Karl, and his family are having a huge party tomorrow in celebration of their first Blogaversary! The party is a mariachi festival; we shall be performing with the world's #1 (and possibly only) all-cat mariachi band, Los Gatos!

Roscoe and I left Italy this morning with our sombreros in paw. We took off in our magic flying van with plans to pick our friends up along the way.

Our first stop was in Australia where the beautiful Momo was waiting for us near the bay.

It was a long flight across the Atlantic. Momo and Roscoe played "Catch the flies with your teeth" while I concentrated on driving. I'm not sure who won, but they both needed a good teeth brushing when the game was over.

After we crossed The Pond, we made a stop in New York City to pick up darling Asta. Then it was off to find Sassy in the heartland of America. Along the way, Asta taught Momo and Roscoe how to stick their faces out of the window and put their noses into the wind. As cats, we had never tried this before. But Roscoe and Momo assured me that it was a ton of fun. I will have to give it a try when I am not behind the wheel.

It took a while to find Sassy. We searched every map, looking for the heartland of America. At last we stopped at a gas station where we asked directions. Yes, boys DO sometimes ask for directions. The man at the gas station laughed when we told him we couldn't find the Heartland of America. Why didn't someone just tell us INDIANA in the first place??? Just as our van few over a field of golden colored corn, we spotted Sassy waiting for us next to the candy apple red barn. She even baked a cake for Karl and the crew. Of course there was no room inside of the van as our sombreros were taking up too much space, so we tied the cake the roof of the van and headed off for Arizona!

We are on our way Karl!
See you all tomorrow at The
The Cat Realm party!
This is going to be one heck of a party. The party of all parties. I am so excited that we are entertaining the guests. We still have time to practice before the big day. Thanks for picking me up in the flying van sure does save on the travel time.
See you all there! I cannot wait for the festivities to begin.
Hey, guys, We're all looking forward to the party and seeing all of you again.
I love it! What a great lookin' Mariachi band, too! I may have to stop by this party sooner than I thought!
Wow! This is going to be the party of the year I think!
Opus and Roscoe
I'm vewy excited about the pawty..Mommi is staying home to complete posting about my twip to Italy..Thank you fow the wide..It suwe was fun..I'm glad Momo and Roscoe enjoyed the stick youw head out the window and get the wind in youw nose game, heehehehe..I expected the heawtland to have a big wed heawt on it fwom above..who knew it was made of cown
smoochie kisses
Thanks for the lift, guys! That was a great trip and I love the games. How many flies did I catch - wasn't counting but it sure was fun! I'll take the wheel on the way back and you two can have a contest. What is it that SS is saying? Oh, she reckons we'd end up in Russia.
I heard it's going to be a great party!!
Hi guys -see you at the party! You always make me smile! Glad you made it okay in the flying bus! Tell Momo I saved her some flying fish
licks & slobbers
Opus and Roscoe
I'm so glad your Mom likes that gelato place too..we went evewy day! and the buildings...I think ouw pawents have a lot in common..I hope we can spend mowe time togethew ...I love you..I'm sowwy youw Mom was sad
smoochie kisses
Hi Opus & Roscoe, You guys are so much Fun!!!!! Glad we could get together again.
We have some lizards at our house so we are going to ask Karl for the BBQ lizard recipe. This is the yummiest food. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Thanks for getting us all to the party. Heading back and finding Momo, she is keeping me close to her today so we won't miss a moment of fun.
That van is just the best!!!
The cake is almost gone, hahahahahahaha - we started early - and now the party is in full swing....
How exciting!
Party is swinging. Glad you guys are so multi-talented you can drive, sing and dance. Now let's eat!
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