There is a lizard BBQ/ mariachi festival in full swing over at The Cat Realm. Be sure to stop in for some fantastic drinks, tasty food, fun entertainment, and wonderful friends!

Happy Blogoversary Cat Realm!
Wishing you many more years of cat blogging!
Here is the guest list, please go and check out their blogs - they might have additional pictures!
Kattenpraat, Sassy, Momo, Opus and Roscoe, Socks, Scylla and Charybdis, Charlie, Asta, Momo and Pinot, Charlotte, Riley, Jan's Funny Farm.
Wishing you many more years of cat blogging!
Here is the guest list, please go and check out their blogs - they might have additional pictures!
Kattenpraat, Sassy, Momo, Opus and Roscoe, Socks, Scylla and Charybdis, Charlie, Asta, Momo and Pinot, Charlotte, Riley, Jan's Funny Farm.
Oh, there you are. Good to see you both. And Sassy. We missed you earlier in the crowd. This place sure is packed.
We did try some of Sassy's cake. Had to, after she brought it in your flying van. Delish. We'd go for seconds but there are more guests coming and we don't want to be pigs. Maybe there will be some crumbs left later?
Wow, the Cat Realm puts on some serious parties!
Guys - the pleasure of having you as our friends is all mine!!!
What a party! I am so glad you could come...
In our part of the world out here clothing is optional - so don't worry about bathing suits, hahahahhahaha
It's a great party over there!
Great party at Karl's, too much fun and so much to do. Thought everything was perfect. Thanks for bringing me along with you.
Have a safe trip home, guys. Maybe Opus should drive. Roscoe had a bit much of the ..... On second thought, so did you Opus. Perhaps you might delay your return, spend the night at Karl's and return tomorrow? Whatever you do, drive safely.
Karl is a totally pawesome kitty ~ you guys had a great party over at the Cat Realm!
Purrs from the SnowForest family :)
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