Opus: I saw this video and it really touched my heart. We cats get blamed for a lot of bad things, but this video shows that we do have a soft, sweet side. I thought it was magnificent that this cat adopted a "litter" of baby chicks and is doing its best to keep them warm.
I am wondering if he ate so much that he's no longer hungry?
Or perhaps he has been the prisoner of the vishus birds for so long that he no longer tries to escape. This poor cat...
Those little chickies are very cute. It is hard to believe they grow up to be chick-hens.
We do have our good side (sometimes). FAZ
Uh, uh - not me... As much as I adore what the cat is doing - as much as I what want to be able to do it too.. I am afraid I am a hunter by nature.... Many a birdies had to be picked out of my mouth by the butler - and many he didn't catch....
My, not only chickies but a real parakeet birdie too!
See you at the party. Looking forward to all of the fun we will have. Got to run have to get over to Fat Eric's party, then I still have work to do for mine.
Stopping thinking about birdie smorgesboard and head over to Sassy's party. What's keeping you guys? Too much chicken pizzas??? Ah, SS says that if I behave myself I can have some pizza tonight. Whoopee!
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