Our day started bright and early, as we had plenty of sight seeing to do. We all wanted to see Ireland's famous Blarney Castle and so that was our first stop.
It was a beautiful day in Ireland, perfect weather for exploring the castle and the grounds. Of course, the most famous part of Blarney Castle is its magical stone. Legend has it that Irish kings were crowned upon that very stone. They say that if you kiss the Blarney Stone upside down it will give you the gift of eloquence. Roscoe and I didn't kiss the stone for simple reason that were are both a bit afraid of heights. Our brave friend, Ruis, gave it a go as Karl hung on to him to keep him safe.
After spending hours wandering around the old castle, we were all a bit tired and decided it was the perfect time to refuel. Our next stop was the local pub. We spent the rest of the afternoon visiting, drinking, laughing, and singing Irish folk songs at the pub. It was the perfect afternoon.
We wish we could have stayed at that pub all day, but there just wasn't time. We had all been personally invited by Michael Flatley to dance in his world famous show, Lord of the Dance.
We were suppose to all be back up dancers in the show, but the star tripped on a slippery fish that had been place just outside of his dressing room door. Oddly enough, Roscoe knew every step of the show and was ready at a moments notice to fill in as Michael Flatley's understudy. It all seemed a bit suspicious, but there wasn't time to dig deeper; the theater was packed with a sold out audience.

We had such a wonderful time! Can you imagine 16 pets from all corners of the world coming together to dance the Irish jig in front of a human audience? They hadn't seen anything like it and by the end of the show, they were all on their feet cheering!
Not only did we get a standing ovation, we also got two encores and ten cat calls! We didn't want the night to be over but alas, all good things must come to an end. Sassy met us back stage in our dressing rooms to deliver a couple of gifts.

She had Lord of Dance programs made up for both Roscoe
and myself. She is such a thoughtful cat.
and myself. She is such a thoughtful cat.
"Roscoe and Opus received a personal invitation by Micahel Flately to appear in a guest performance at the Point Theater. From the moment Opus and Roscoe took the stage and the light went down to the last encore, the audience was spellbound by a masterfully orchestrated combination of precision dancing, state of the art lighting and pyrotechnics. The performance witnessed tonight left no soul untouched!" -The Irish Tattered Taps
On our way back to the hotel, someone in the magic van suggested that we take our show on the road full time. Can anyone say "World Tour"?

The best part about the fish was someone ate the evidence all up. We won't say who. ~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
Bravo!!!!!!!! Wonderful, the goose bumps are still all over me!!!!!! Encore please!!!!!!!
Are you sure you guys didn't kiss the Blarney stone? Just thought we'd ask.
Congratulations on your first class performances. You are terrific dancers.
Once again...splendid!!!! Bravo!
Wonderful performance, Opus & Roscoe!! You guys look absolutely stunning on the stage!!!!
Momo & Pinot
You did such a fantastic job at the Dance.
Opus and Roscue, you are so talented! Dancing is hard, too.
This was one of our most memorable evenings of our lives! You two are SO talented, we definitely agree that you can go on a world tour!!
Karl & Ruis
PS: Roscoe, next time use a perfume to veil the smell of fish, hahahaha.
Opus andRoscoe
You two wewe magnificent, no wondew Michael Flately wanted you to pawfowm! All those standing ovations!!
Pleez don't go on touw just yet, cause now that it's safe to come back to italy..I'm coming to visit..don't fowget
tanti baci
Asta O'Fuzzbutt
Wow! Bravo! BRAvo! BRAVO! Your guys are just SOOOOO GOOD. Fantastic dancing. Electrifying!
World tour? - yay! You must take the troupe to the Opera House in Sydney. They have never been to Australia. They have concentrated their performances in Europe and just a couple of Asian countries.
My apologies - they did come to Australia way back in 1997. Most of us weren't born then. So it high time they come again.
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