This morning we visited the Ashford Castle. It seems that Ireland is full of castles! They sure are old and pretty. It was another great day to walk around, exploring the castle and its grounds. As you can see by the photo, the longer we are here the more we are dressing like the locals. They still stare at us, but we think it has to do with us being such well dressed, Irish-looking, house pets. Once we get the accent down, we will be able to pass for locals!
After our tour of the castle, we took a break in the form of a picnic! Apparently we all had too much champagne. After a few hours, we had all shed our fancy clothes and posed for the cameras in nothing but Irish hats and smiles! CHEESE!
After lunch and a cat nap, we all dressed up in our best Irish clothes, complete with Kilts. Then it was time to perform at the Furry Bagpipe Festival.

Sixteen cats and dogs from around the world make up the first ever, International Interspeices Irish Bagpipe Band! Don't we just look cute in our skirts! If you think we look good, you should have heard us play! Next year Roscoe wants us all to play our own music WHILE we dance in Lord of the Dance. That cat has got too much ambition!
At the end of the day, everyone went their own way. Some hit the hotel pool, some went for a romantic stroll, while others headed back out for a night at the pub. As for us, we retired to our room early to do what we do best, sleep!

Lets just hope that those thundering herds of elephants keep it down tonight!

If you look around the CB, you would find that Thundering Herds of Elephants have a tendency to occur at wee small hours of the morning. Of course it can happen any time of the day too! Now this is NOT admitting to ANY responsibility of whatever happened last night. Frankly, I can't remember anythin'. What? What? What?
Oh that looks like such a wonderful place to visit. I did not know they allowed elephants in hotels...
Wow, do you think that the elephants mixed in with us at the tower in Pisa and maybe they did the damage and not us????!!!!! I hope it was them and not us. Funny you should ask me to get some rest you will see by my free morning photo how I put that time to use, ha, ha,ha. This is a great fun trip. See you tomorrow!!!!!!
Good thing Stanny and I awe in the little cottage..I need my booty west aftew all that castle explowation..I can't imagine who could be wesponsible fow the thundewing heawd of efelants..cewtainly no one fwom ouw sedate gwoup, heheh
see you tomowwow..I'm having a blast and I can't wait to come back to Italy..it's not even thwee weeks anymowe!!
smoochie kisses, and sweet dweams
I used to think I would like to live in a castle. But now I think it might be too cold and drafty. SO I would settle for a Barbie Dream House.
Ohhhhh that elephant is huge but babies are cute!
Momo & Pinot :)
We thought we saw elephants in the hall last night. ~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks
Hey, where are you? Wonder what you two were doing with your morning off to do somehting all by yourselves. Can hardly wait to find out what it was.
Rude elephants should be banned from upscale hotels - unless they agree to tiptoe after 9 p.m.
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