The Party Animals, in no particular order
Socks, Scylla and Charybdis,
Momo Kitty,
Sassy Kat,
Momo and Pinot,
Mrs. Oz, Emil, Karl
her boyfriend, Stanley,
and the two of us, Opus and Roscoe
Momo Kitty,
Sassy Kat,
Momo and Pinot,
Mrs. Oz, Emil, Karl
her boyfriend, Stanley,
and the two of us, Opus and Roscoe
What a wonderful day it was to have a picnic! The weather in Tuscany was just perfect, not too hot and not too cold. We arrived early and set up our blanket, on the green grass of the Field of Miracles, and patiently waited for our friends to arrive.
Momo, who is always ahead of the group since she lives in the future (Australia) was the first to arrive. One by one, our friends traveled to Italy to join us for a lazy afternoon picnic. It was so good to see everyone again. We ate our little hearts out and enjoyed nothing but mouth-watering, fantastic, homemade, Italian pizza!
After such a HUGE meal, we thought it would best to just take a nap in the afternoon sun, but our adventurous friends all wanted to climb to the top of the famous Leaning Tower of Pisa (which is simply called "The Tower" in Italy). We didn't really feel like dragging our pizza filled bellies UP the tower, but how could we refuse the wishes of our dearest friends?
Part of the way up The Tower someone, who shall remain nameless, thought it would be fun to play "Thundering Herds of Elephants". The next thing we knew, all sixteen of us house pets were racing UP the tower! We went around and around and around and around and around... well, you get the picture. By the time we made it to the top, we were all so dizzy and exhausted.

But the views were spectacular!

We stayed at the top for a while, admiring the views of Pisa and the surrounding hills. The sun as shining down upon us all, making it the perfect spot to take a sun bath. Just when we closed our eyes for a little nap, we heard the call. We still aren't sure who yelled it, but we jumped to our feet at once.
"Thundering Herds of Elephants!!!!!!!"
That was all it took to get 4 dogs, 12 cats and 64 paws racing back down the tower. We aren't sure if was the vibration from all of us running down the steps or if was all the pizza we had at lunch but, as we ran out the door of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the tower "leaned" right over on its side and broke into pieces.
It was all over the evening news....

Mama mia! The Tower is Broken!
Local police are not speaking publicly about the disastrous turn of events in the city Pisa. Late this afternoon, the famous leaning tower fell over on its side and broke into thousands of pieces. Eye witnesses state seeing a rowdy group of international pets wearing Saint Patrick Day hats rushing out of the building moments before its collapse. Terrorism is not suspected. Locals of the city fear that all the King's horses and all the King's men won't be able to put back the pieces again.
We didn't stick around for questioning (or deportation). All of us jumped into the Magic Flying Travel Van and started off for the Saint Patrick's Day festival in Ireland.

It didn't take much time for us to reach our destination in our magic van. Before long, we were all standing in the lobby of the Fitzpatrick Castle Hotel, checking into our rooms. All of us stayed there except for Asta and Stanley, who rented a private, romantic cottage.
Once we had our keys in paw, we all rushed up to check out our rooms. This time we opted NOT to play "Thundering Herds of Elephants" as we didn't want to get into trouble again.
Some of our friends headed out to explore the town while others went straight for the local pub. Be sure to visit our friends mentioned above to hear their take on the days events. As for us, we took a relaxing dip in the pool with the other CCSI excutives while Asta acted our life guard.
Then it was off to bed for a long over due cat nap.
Hahahaha, not our fault if those incompetent two legs didn't build towers properly!
You bet! Can't blame perfection (meaning us)! Hehehehehe!
Gosh I would have loved to come along on this fun journey to the land of green. I did not know about it...no one ever comes and tells me these wonderful plans. I miss out on everything fun. All of the CCSI capers too...do I sound like I am whining. Oh well, I will stay here and take care of Maxime for Ruiz...have fun without me again:(
Miss Peach
Oh no! We can't believe the tower fell over! My goodness!
Going to Egypt was one of our mom's lifelong dreams. She had a wonderful time there. Getting to Egypt from Munich was much easier than getting there from Canada, so when our humans were posted to Munich, Egypt was the #1 must-see place on our mom's list. #2 is Rome (they haven't been there yet, but plan to go next winter), and #3 is Vienna.
Our humans will be in Italy in August though - staying for one week at an olive farm in Tuscany.
Oh my stars!
That is the funniest thing I have seen all day. I absolutely love it!!!
Mom was at Pisa and went up the tower with Alessandro last October!!
Lovely to read. Ten out of ten.
Opus and Roscoe
Hope you'we finally getting tht much desewved booty west..quite a day we had, heheh I just hope they don't suspect us..I want to have a chance go back to Italy without being jailed..thank you fow that fabulopus pizza!!! I'm going to have to do a lot of wunning awound to wowk it off..yawn!!!!I think I'll nap instead too
smoochie kisses,Asta
Oh dear! You guys cowwapsed the tower! It sounds such an exciting twip!
Mama Mia, that was exciting! Momo lives in the future was very funny. We never thought of it that way!
It's me, I am not sure but all of the new posts are not showing up on my computer, I have to hit the refresh thingie on the computer to see the latest news. Never had this happen before. Anyway great photos, great friends, and a great trip is on the way.
What a wonderful journey! You were smart to take off in the van before anyone questioned you about the "Pisa" incident.
Do not worry about the Tower. As the Prime Minister of Italy, I plan to sweep the mess under the carpet.
What an adventurous first day! Can't wait to see what other mischief you all get into.
Have fun!
WOW! What an adventure already! You kitties and doggies sure know how to live it up!
Opus and Roscoe.I was thinking, do you think thewe was a camewa that got my pictoowe in Pisa??? I wanna be able to come back to Italy without getting awwested..did baby Pinot behave when you baby sat him while my sissies and I had ouw talk in theiw woom?
see you soon
tanti baci
Looks like you all had a great time in Piza, even if the tower broked.
PS Pweeese tell your Mommie to fix my bloggie. I was pwaying and well you will see.
First thank you for suggesting we meet you in Italy first. It was wonderful and we would love to come explore Italy one day when we have more time.
Secondly we are very sorry about the tower. Not only did Scylla eat a whole pizza by herself, she is the one who yelled thundering herd of elephants ( I wanted to run the pizza off ~Scylla). ~Socks, Charybdis & a very sorry Scylla.
Opus and Roscoe!!
Our picnic at Pisa was wonderful!! You know.. Italy is one of the destinations that my mom always wanted to go but we made it first! Yay!
We still can't believe the tower broked! :D
Momo & Pinot
What's wrong with a little "Thundering Herds of Elephants" or an extra slice at the picnic? We're so happy Chey is taking care of the of the Tower incident!
Wow, you brothers have a more luxury room in the hotel than us. :)
Karl & Ruis
Hi, Efurryone! Good grief, it's pizza day already!! Two-legs is still downloading photos for the posts - she hasn't even gotten herself organised yet! (she said to give her an hour - ) I'll just loll around on the picnic blanket and watch you cats chase the butterflies and eat pizza, and watch the frantic Italian photographers milling around that strange ruin over there where the leaning tower used to be - wonder what they're so fussed about, it was pretty old, anyway, wasn't it?
Fun day that we had. I have to rest up for tomorrow. I am wondering if Michael Flately upgraded your room. It is so much more nicer than mine. See you tomorrow.
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