The big day is almost here! We were invited to join some friends in Ireland for the Great Saint Patrick's Day festival. We thought it would be fun to invite everyone to Italy for lunch before we head over to the Green Isles. What better place to have a picnic than in front of the Leaning Tower of Pisa, on the green grass carpet of the Field of Miracles! We decided we had better get to Pisa a day early to set everything up for our guests. They will be arriving in Italy tomorrow! We can't wait to see them!

We had better get to work!
There is a lot to set up before everyone gets here!
Opus and Roscoe
I am so vewy excited to be coming to see you!
I see you have loaded the van with incwedible eatables and it should be a fabulous lunch!!!
Should I bwing anything? ow do you have absolutwly evewything aweady?
Can't wait
smoochie kisses,Asta
That looks like a fun trip!
Ooooh, another adventure. What fun. We can't wait to read all about it.
Have a great time!
Oh, Opus and Roscoe, we are soooo looking forward to our new adventure!! We are visiting some friends together before we're heading over to you.
See you tomorrow, guys! :)
Karl & Ruis
I'm commmmminnnnnnngggggg! Whooooooosh!
Love the hats!
Hi Guys - it was sweet of you to leave the lovely message on my blog. I'm getting ready to leave for Pisa now - so i can be there on Italian time! I'm flying a specially-rigged jet-ski, on AppleWorks (which accounts for the scanty pictures submitted by my human)
See you both there!
licks & slobbers
I am here, I am here!!!!!! Where is efurrybody?
We arrived too... I think I see them coming, Momo...
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