Roscoe and I hid under the bed for the first week or so, only coming out to eat and use the bathroom. But little by little we came to learn that we could trust our new home.
Roscoe's favorite place was on the bench on our upstairs terrace. Whenever he would come up missing, we all new that we could find him there sunning himself in the warm, Italian sun. I go there sometimes now either looking for him or just staying a moment to enjoy his favorite spot. It helps me feel close to him.
Not too many cats can call themselves expat cats. Roscoe and I always felt lucky to have lived in two different yet equally wonderful places.
We know Opus misses Roscoe but we hope he is adjusting. It's been a tough adjustment for all of you.
Wow, four years in Italy. I am so glad that your human took both of you to live over there. You might say what choice did they have but I bet some that move so far away don't. . . no I won't even say it. Anyway how much fun for you two to have a daddy now and also to be able to speak English and Italian. I know Roscoe is close to all of you in your thoughts and hearts. We all miss him. He is looking down and wanting you all to know that it isn't too bad where he is right now and someday, a long, long, long, long time from now all of you will be with your loved ones. He isn't even missing you guys because he is having such a good time where he is. He really is happy to get to know his Aunt Muffett better and they are never apart from each other.
Keep his place on the terrance your special time to get closer to him, this will make you feel a little better.
That´s great, you are 5 years in Italy. Our humans had been in Italy in summer. We never lived in another country.
You can be very proud Italy is a wonderful country.
We hope our sister Frieda can meet Roscoe.
Wow. I bet that was a huge adjustment for you all.
Oh Happy Moveaversary to you! I have never moved to other country, I hope I can do someday :)
That was a long plane ride. We think it's neat that you have lived in the U.S. and Italy. Our beans hope to visit Italy one day.
We still think of Roscoe, we are sure he is looking down on you from the Rainbow Bridge and smiling. We bet he and Whiskers have become best friends, they both loved adventure.
~S,S & C
Happy Moveaversary! It was purrfect to meet you at the Howl o-een pawty. Did you enjoy the nip cocktails. tee, hee?!You looked fab in your costumes. Come and visit my bloggie sometime i have a real kittie brother who is my best buddy ,he sneaks onto my blog whenever he can! Wags of well wishes, Eric x
A moveaversary!!! What a great idea.... We don't have one as we always lived here - but the maid has her moveaversary (to the Sonoran Desert) on January 30. We should celebrate next year - any excuse for having a party, right?
We know this is a tough day for you - we all miss Roscoe - but his spirit will always be around!
Lots of loving purrs
Mrs. OZ, Tintin and Karl
fouw wondewful yeaws in a bootiful countwy wif gwet oawents..we love youw Mommi and daddi ..they awe the best, and we know youw Mom is in the wight place cause of the way youw Dad looks at hew and loves hew
congwatulations on being a bwave expat cat....
I'm glad you have a space whewe you can feel close to Roscoe..I hope you know he is always wif you
smoochie kisses
That is a cute photo of you travelling to your new home. I am glad that you got to share it with Roscoe, and have so many grreat memories together.
Sending you big hugs and purrs.
Hey did you loose the photos of NYC brunch????? Maybe they are with my digital camera. If you need copies again let me know.
Oh what fun we have when we are together.
After we get some much deserved rest we will have to get cracking back at the studio. Time for another CCSI I think.
With the election I didn't get to visit yesterday. So belated Happy Moveaversary!
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