The humans have done a great job of hogging the computer all for themselves! Not to put all the blame on them as we have been more lazy then usual. We had so much fun with our Grandma that we have been wiped out since she left.
We wanted to go home with her, we even had our bags packed. Then we found out that we were going to be stuffed into the belly of the noisy scary thing (I think it is called a plane) and we said FORGET IT! WE'RE STAYING!
Our female human wanted to clear up any possible misunderstandings made by one of our Grandma's comments. Our human is NOT, I repeat, NOT going to have a baby. Her brother back in America is expecting one this summer. Who needs a baby when all of the attention in our house should be showered on us cats?
And so for our adventures.....ah, where should we even begin? I think we should start with our trip to Venice during the Carnival....

..Stay tuned!