Remember the children's show "Where in the World is Carmen Sandieo?" or the book "Where's Waldo"? Well Cat Naps in Italy asks its viewers a similar question.....
Please leave your ideas in the comment box. Perhasp if we guess right, the boys will come back and tell us all about their adventures.....

Have you seen either of these cats?
Purrhaps they are trying to make there way back to the farm they were born at? Wandering arownd America visiting all the other blogging cats?
We sure have missed them and would like to hear about the advenchers!!
Finny & Buddy
A game? WooHooo.
I guess they are still in Italy, but not at home, but ROME!
Am I right?
Where every they are, we want to hear about all of your adventures.
Looks like they's going to San Francisco. hehehe
~~ Sanjee
Some place in Mericky? Am I right? Am I right?!
Last time I saw them they were on my suitcases as I was packing to come home. Maybe they stowed away and are now somewhere in the States?
I'll watch out the windos an let you know if I see them in Whiskonsin. An I'll ask my boy if he saw them when he was in Catifornia last week. As indoor cats, I'm furry worried if they're out an about on their own. On Carmen SanDiego, they always had hints an infurmation bout where the badguys were hidin.
Jake & Kuma said that they definitely saw them in San Franfrskie,Catifornia. They were on the Cabel car. They had a puurrrrrrrrrfect time.
Last time I saw the cats I believe that it was in Turin during the Olympics. They were competing with the bobsled team from Catagonia.
their team colors were puuuuuuuuuuuuurple and meowyelloooooooooow.
I will not tell where I last saw the boys but a fun time was had by all.
We think they went to India and perhaps Singapurrr. ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko Ko
Yep - We've put the word out, and so far here's what we've heard:
Opus is supposedly in San Gimignano, observing a Mediaeval festival.
Roscoe was last spotted at Lake Lugano eating gelato - lucky cat!
That's all we know - we'll keep you posted, and we're going to put your link on our site. Come by and visit some time.
Kimo & Sabi
I'm sure I saw them at a Cat Stevens' concert in CATtolica.... :D
Oh, schmaybe they am hiding out in mine woods somewheres. I will check & see.......
Did they run off to Pisa to topple the tower?
OK guys, don't tease us with one post and then go away.
Come back and tell us your adventures.
We think they have been in Dreamland and spent the summer sleeping. That's what we've been doing here in North Carolina because it's been too hot to do anything else.
Mom says she would really like to give the guys belly rubs. She thinks their bellies are cute. Our Mom is weird.
We like all those suggestions but have you looked under the bed?
Are they in the Largo Argentina cat shelter here in Rome? They might be hanging out with relatives of my two adopted Roman cats right now...
Hey guys time to come out of hiding, the football season is starting.
Your favorite team, Indy Colts play tomorrow night. You need to sleep all day and then stay up all night. It is Peyton versus Eli. Should be a good game.
Come visit and enter out caption contest!
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