Tonight is the big night, when all the stars of the four feet world come together to celebrate their greatness. Join us tonight at the
Red Carpet Buzz and vote for your favorite dressed pet! Who will win best female real outfit? Who will go home with the best male digitally enhanced award? Watch as the drama and excitement unfold right before your very eyes!
Welcome to the red carpet on Oscar night!

The Fab Five of Little Productions, live on the red carpet.
Opus and Roscoe dressed in their glittered best!
Even Freddo, the Arctic penguin, is dressed for a night of fun.
Let the voting begin!
Opus and Roscoe
I weally wish I could vote fow the membews of the Little pwoduction tema..You awe the bestest dwessed..and the west of the mancats awe just not as imaginative..but it's gweat event and I am looking fowawd to seeing you on the wed cawpet too!!
tanti tani baci!!!!
ciao till then
Looks like loads of fun. You all look glamorous.
jans funny farm
Bubbles did my voting job, hahahha. And he wanted to vote for Freddo, also a tuxie. Then he wanted to vote for you two, because you're so sweet to escort Princess and Miral. But you're all are not eligible for voting. Freddo and you boys are the best, but I can only give you these words...
I left a comment and it's NOT here. Someone needs to go and feed that Blogger monster so that it wouldn't gobble comments up.
You guys looking smashing. Too bad I can't vote for you. Great time at the Red Carpet though. I do think we kitties and doggies have more class than those humans.
We sure all clean up pretty nice!!!! I can hardly wait to see who wins!!!!!
Stop on over if ya have time, I have photos from my NY trip with Momo and visiting with Asta.
Wow looks like some party I missed. I would never get best dressed for anything. The Woman won't put clothes on me. She says, Tosca you are already vain and shallow without the clothing. What a bummer.
I think peguin deserves special award since we could not vote for him.
Opus and Roscoe, you have true style and class!
Stop on over to my place and check out the Cat a me Award that was given to me by Skeezix. It was for the work done on CCSI. I have proudly accepted this award in behalf of Little Productions.
Congrats on your award, CCSI has a lot to celebrate and tomorrow we will let all in on the news about the awards!
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