I should have known better than to trust my friends when I went to sleep during Sassy's Paint Ball Blogoversary Party. But I just couldn't help myself; I was tired and fighting jet lag. At last when I couldn't keep my little kitty eyes open anymore, I snuggled down for a cat nap. I awoke to find that sleeping animals were aparently
NOT off limits during a paint ball game! I should have known that if
Karl's Buddha wasn't safe, then neither was I!

And yes, I DO sleep with Roscoe's teddy bear!
It keeps me from getting lonely during my naps.
Hahahahaha!!!!! Did I do it? Can't remember!
We (ummm we mean whatever bad kitties did that) even got your bed.
We are going to take a nap now ourselves, paintball parties are exhausting, but boy was it fun. ~S,S & C
Uh-oh. We didn't -- we mean, they didn't think you'd notice.
Sleeping with Roscoe's teddy bear is a comforting idea. We'll have to ask Jan if we can have one. No, nine.
Mwahahahaha! Opus, I see you enjoyed the paintball party yesterday, It was great
You are all the pretty colors of the rainbow. I am surprised that while you slept you got shot but if a buddha would be shot at why would you be safe????
And no I didn't get you.
I was fatigured after--I can only imagine who much more so you were! But you look lovely with all those colors!
Thanks so much for coming to my first blogoversary paintball party and all of the help you gave me to make this the best yet!
I think this might be something we want to do again.
I sure hope you find out who shot you up while you were sleeping. Maybe it was the same one that got Karl's buddha?
Oh Opus! That will take a lot of tongue licking to clean up! Plus if sleeping with the teddy bear helps, then do it. Everyone needs someone to sleep with!
On Sunday the Packers play the Colts, so one of us will be happy, the other not so much!
I bet you the same one who shot the Buddha shot you!!! We might never find out.... or blame it on Momo if she can't remember, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I think it is a wonderful idea to sleep with Roscoe's teddy!
Wake up, wake up! You got to start getting ready for Halloween. This is my costume do you like it? You are the first one to see it!!!
He, he, he, they sure got you. FAZ
Opus this week MY PACKERS beat your COLTS!!!! Yipee!! Sorry, don't mean to gloat, I really didn't expect the Packers to win this week. They did really, really good this week.
Boy, we must have worn you out at the paintball party. Rest up as Halloween parties are getting closer.
Thank you for the purrthday wishes Opus!
Splat the cat! Haha!
I'm glad you has Roscoe's teddy to snuggle to - Rocoe will like that 'cos he knows you're mising him.
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