Today is All Saints Day in Italy. This is one of the first photos our human made of us. We are peaking out from behind Saint Gertrude of Nivelles, the Patron Saint of Cats. I can just picture Roscoe curled on her lap right now.

I am sure she taking good care him for us.....
We know Roscoe is in good hands!
God bless Roscoe!!! I am sure he is being looked after and is in good hands over there.
Must remember the patron saint of kitties! Didn't known that.
We are sure Saint Gertrude of Nivelles is taking good care of Roscoe. Thanks for telling us about her, we didn't know cats had a Patron Saint. ~S,S & C
Yes, she will take good care of Roscoe! We miss him....
Love the photo. I am so glad that you are keeping Roscoe a part of your blog. Even though he has gone to the bridge it makes me feel better to hear his name and see that sweet little face of his.
Yes, I am sure he in sitting in the lap of Saint Gertrude and she has already fallen head over heels in love with him as we all did.
Haven't seen you since Asta's Halloween party, there is another party today at Dr. Tweety's. Hope you make it.
I am sure she is...
Hey little guy, hurry over to Dr. Tweety's place, it was his blogoversary party today, I think I missed you. It looks like things might go through the night so you might get there before all of the food is eaten up.
We were still at Dr. Tweety's and saw your post. Come on over to our house and we will have a picnic down at the butterfly garden with all the leftovers. ~S,S & C
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