Last weekend while at Asta's Halloween party, I had the chance to meet her good friend Lacie. We hit off really well! After our brunch in New York with gang, we made plans to see each other again.

(Photo by Sassy)
Her humans are gone for the weekend so we thought it would be a great time to get together so we can get to know each other better. I am off to Pittsburg to pick her up now.

(Photo by Sassy)
This is great news!!!!! I am so happy that you two are getting together. You both really hit it off with each other in NYC last weekend. I cannot wait to hear about your date.
Opus, my friend,
As someone who has dated Lacie twice in the past (and as a result, I am forever banned from the Museum of Modern Art - please see my post for reference), I must advise you to keep an eye on her head (her teeth in particular) at ALL TIMES.
Perhaps you've heard of french kissing? Well, apparently Pittsburgh kissing involves teeth-to-teeth contact, sometimes with fur in between.
Don't get me wrong - Lacie is loads of fun. Just stay on her good side and whatever she suggests, DON'T DRINK A SMOOTHIE!
You haven't been declawed have you? Good.
Your pal in the pursuit of true love,
Petey, wow I am beginning to think that you are a dumped ex-boyfriend. We have found Lacie to be the most polite lady. And kissing? Never on a first date.
Oh that Petey...isn't he just the BEST fiction writer?? As for my smoothies...I even have some new flavors that might interest you, Sweet Opus...
Fishy Surprise
Purrin' Chillaxin'
and my pawsonal favorite...
Mouse Moose
Let me know if I could blend you one up??
As for that Modern Art debacle with balls and artwork just do not mix!
We have a bootiful seafood restaurant here in Pittsburgh...Monteray Bay...ummmm...was thinkin' you might enjoy that for a late supper.
As for Scruffy and Stan...Stan's not a Scruffy enjoys a good game of cat chase, but if you hiss at him and do one of those puffy things, he'll stop.
You look very handsome Sweet Opus...I can't wait for our date to begin!
I know you said ya wanted a catnap first...
Love and kissies...Laciegirl
Oh now that could be fun.
I think Lacie is vewy lucky to have a chance to spend time wif you..I still have bootiful memowies about ouw time togethew..I think you make a vewy good looking couple
smoochie kisses
HiHo, HiHo!!!! Off to a date we go!!! We are ALL going, Sassy????
Hsve to check out Petey's story....
My name is Mango.
I came to visit you before when Roscoe was sick then he crossed the bridge.
How're you Opus?
I'm glad you had a good time at the Hal-love-ween party and now you're heading to Pittsburg to meet Lacie.
Wish you luck, Opus!
Please come visit me when you have time, I have a love story to share too.
hay opus!!! i am scooter. u mus be fraid ov me cuz i sed u shood play MI pokerer gam. TEXAS HOLD EM CROSS THE RIVER!!!! i madeded it up. i toldeded u this ofer at lacies howse, but u nefer ansereded. u a chikken??? besidez. i godda get bak sum ov mi moms change frum her jar.
so Opus
DEEL EM!!!(an uze mi deck)
pee ess. i hadeded a date wif lacie tu. nope she duz not kiss on the firsterest date. she bitez unles u moof qwuik!!! an she yellz so lowd sumtimez. jus bee carefulest!
pee ess
lacie iz now frenz wif mi sis, Sunny. an shee knocked hur owt all nite wif a smoovie!!!
so lacie iz ok-u jus haf to watch owt an not mind sharin!!!
scooter-watin on u tu DEEL!!!
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