Today is my 16 birthday, and Olive and I were spending a quiet morning sharing memories of the years that we have spent together. Olive is a wonderfu little nurse, and she and the human have been keeping an keen eye on me make sure I take all of my meds in order to get my health back on track. I thought the day was going to be a quiet one but I was wrong . . .

. . . Ollie teleported us over to our Aunt Gracie's place where I found out my friends were throwing a surprise birthday party in my honor. Jan's FF gang was there along with Momo, Asta, Karl, Ruis, and of course Aunt Gracie.
The party will last all day and everyone is welcome. Please head on over to help celebrate with us.
Thank you to all my friends who sent cards, gifts, left comments or stopped by Gracie's to join in on my party fun. This party has been the highlight of my troubled year and I am so blessed to have so many furry friends who love and care about me. Thank you for making my 16th birthday extra special!
Of course I couldn't let the day go by without mentioning my best friend and brother Roscoe; today was also his birthday. It still seems strange to wake up in the morning without having him sleeping by my side. Though I love Ollie with all of my heart, there will always be a part of my heart missing; I believe Roscoe must have taken that piece of my heart (and part of my human's heart) with him when he went to the bridge. We have lost a lot of friends over the years, and though we miss them all dearly it makes me happy to think that they are celebrating today with Roscoe somewhere over the Rainbow Bridge.

Hope I am the first to leave birthday wishes sent with bunches of love. Hope you are having a nice fun filled day. Wishing you more birthdays to come.
happy birthday opus! we will see you at gracie's place in a moment. ollie looks cute as a nurse and we are happy that she is taking good care of you!
Happy Birthday Opus!
Happy Birthday, Opus!! We hope celebrating this special day will help you feel better!!
A furry Happy Purrthday, Opus.
What a great photo of tha group.
I's heading over to yours party right now. And The Voles are coming wif me!
Love & Purrs,
Happy sweet sixteenth birthday to you, Opus! I hope you enjoy your special day and get lots of hugs and kisses!
Happy Birthday, Opus! We hope your day is filled with all the things you love most! :)
Happy Purrthday sweet Opus!!!! We hope you have many more!
Great pawty! Happy Birthday, Opus!
A very Happy Birthday, Opus! We're so glad we get to celebrate with you today. Ollie looks like a terrific sister, friend and nurse.
Hi Opus !
Momo sent me over to your place , so here I am to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY !
Thank you friends for the birthday wishes. Thank you also for the beautiful surprise party! I hope everyone is having a great time!
Happy Birthday Opus. We hope your day is filled with treats.
Happy Birthday Opus!! We just came from Gracie's and we had a great time at your party!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Yes, one cannot think of Opus without thinking about Roscoe. What a pair you two were. He still missed and thought about every day. Glad that you are enjoying your special day.
Aunt Gracie
Hi Opus! We had lots of fun over at Gracie's. We sure hope you enjoy today, and many many more. We also wanted to make a happy birthday wish for Roscoe. We know there's a happy party in the Rainbow today.
We purr for you.
And (((hugs))) to you too sweet Olive.
We are continuing into the night and on Friday too. So not to worry if you are just showing up. I have the cater on speed dial and there are plenty of food and drinks. The mom is so out of it with her cold she doesn't even know we are at my place so I say why not party more?!
Happy, Happy Birthday, Opus! We wish you good treats and good health!
What a great birthday, Opus! We are purraying for you!
What a great birthday, Opus! We are purraying for you!
Happy Birthday Opus. Hope you had a great day.
Happy Purrthday Opus. We are late getting here but leave heartfelt wishes to you. Sixteen years is a great achievement.
Happy purrthdy Opus!!! We helped cleen up after the pawty... well I dids... Bootsie fell into the catnip punch and then rolled all over the table cloth!
Well We hopes she didn't upset you too much... Iz you laffin at Bootsie? Oh goodz Lafter is da best medicines!!!
Katie Kitty Too
Hiya Opus, hope you had a great day. So happy to see you over at Gracie's. Hope you continue to improve and feel your old self again soon.
We all miss Roscoe!!!!
Happy Purrthday Opus! We hope you are feeling better soon and had an enjoyable day!
Happy 16th Birthday Opus, we see you had a wonderful day!!! We read that you have not been well lately so we send along our wishes that you continue to get better and stronger and are returned to health soon :-)
Happy Birthday Opus and many, many, many moooooooooree!!!!!! We have a birthday card for you, but since Mom is out of town and using someone elseses computer we can't access it until Mom gets home!! We had loads of fun with you at Gracie's place!!
Lots of hugs to you!!
Your TX furiends,
Sorry we didn't get by your blog to wish you a Happy Birthday. We are sure Charybdis was celebrating with Roscoe and that they were thinking of you. Scylla understands about your missing Roscoe (especially on your birthday), littermates have a special place in your heart.
I am sorry that I missed your birthday party, Opus. I am glad that you had such a good time. Happy Belated Birthday!
Happy Belated Sixteenth Birthday, Opus! Hope it was awesome - sorry this is late, our help was away.
Hey Opus! I am trying to catch up, but that doesn't seem to work. On the blogosphere i just read you are enjoying a better health. After the trouble i read here i am so happy to hear that! And 16! WOW!!
bbvs ;-)
Happy belated birthday to Opus, and Roscoe at the Bridge. We will never forget Roscoe.
We came over from the CB to let you know we are purring and praying for you, Opus. Get well soon, okay buddy? Hugs!
I hope you had a wonderful birthday party, Opus. Sorry I missed it.
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We hope you had a wonderful sweet sixteen birthday. We hope the celebration was filled with treats and fun games. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful day.
World of Animals
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