I think I speak on behalf of all cats and dogs when I say that we are sick and tired of eating on the floor. My Grandma hand painted us a beautiful bowl, but we want to sit at the table. We are NOT second class citizens!
Demand action fellow four legged friends! Refuse to eat on the floor! If we stick together, we can make this dream of eating at a table a reality! ACT NOW!
As William Wallace said (at least in the movie) "You can take our lives, but you can take our FREEDOM"!!!!!!!!
Join our campaign "Paws at the Table". Together we can dine with dignity!
You gots a petition? I'll sign it!! We'll go on strike, no mouse catchin'...& it's close to winter you know!
Opus... You look very handsome sitting at the table. We think it sad that you have no food in front of you. We will sign petition too!
i like that, "Paws at the Table". sometimes i actually sit ON the table when my Mom and the Dad are eating and they'll give me little bites. i usually get bored and leave tho 'cause they take SO LONG to eat.
Dear Opus,
I second the table motion. However, I decline to use cutlery. The kibble-provider should be required to cut up the steak in bite size pieces.
We absolutely should be able to eat at the table. Cats have better table manners than most people!!!!
All three of us would like to sign the petition too! We want human food as well - especially milk!
The Monsters
Count in me and the fluffies
You look just right at the table Opus! Very handsome! I like my private dining area in the cave with the cloth things, but eating at the table is good. I'll do your petition thingy.
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