Wednesday, November 2, 2005

First, A Nap

We had such a great weekend. The humans went away again. And believe us, when the humans are away the cats will play! We had another exciting adventure. We can not wait to share it with you, but first a nap. We are so tired from all the fun we had. We are off to dream little cat dreams. Then we will tell you all about our weekend! WHAT AN ADVENTURE!

Roscoe and Opus


Anonymous said...

And believe us, when the humans are away the cats will play!

Yesss!!! That is how me collects me wardrobe: me tries on the jewelry the Evil!Troll tries to hide from me while she is out slaving at her menial job. Me thinks she should share more and hide less!

Spock said...

AAAWWW, so cute, now tell us about your adventures!! Wake up over there!!

Edsel/The Pooch said...

you guys are so cute - looking forward to hearing 'bout your adventure!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Wow! It must have quite an adventure. You two are totally zonked out!

Boni said...

Oh yall are having such a good nap. It shows in your cute picture. I can't wait to hear about the 'ventures that wore you out so much!