Sunday, November 6, 2005

Dear Fellow Felines...

Dear Fellow felines, fans and friends,
We are so sorry to have kept you in suspense for such a long amount of time. I assure you, this was never our intent. The truth of matter is that I have feeling a bit under the weather. I developed some sort of infection in my eye. It has turned a bit pink and is slightly swollen. I had hoped that it would pass, but after several days, it is clear that it will not. Tomorrow our humans will take us to the mean vet for a check up. My poor left eye can no longer go ignored. Unfortunately, we are also due for our yearly shots. This means that both my brother and I will be dragged from the safely of our home.

I hope to be back writing soon. I can not wait to tell you all about our adventures (and we did not get caught this time). In the meantime, I am taking it easy while Roscoe remains faithfully by my side. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers, you all know how nasty the vet human can be.


P.S. A hint about our travels: we had NOTHING to do with the broken tower. It was leaning when we arrived!


Edsel/The Pooch said...

opus, hope your eye is okay, the vet doctor will fix you up as good as new.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Sometimes you just need to put up with the v-e-t to get all better. Good luck. Waiting to hear of your adventures!

Spock said...

We will keep you in our purrayers. Are you SURE you didn't break the tower???????

Anonymous said...

I am sorry to learn of Opus's eye. I do want to let you know before he gets too much attention and people feeling sorry for him that this may have been brought on by Opus himself! The word on the street is that on their last adventure he was peeking into the ladies bathroom through a hole that had been drilled in the wall. Not sure if the drill got him, or if dust from the hole got in his eye, or even if this is the cause of the problem.
Anyway I do hope his eye gets better. Do let us know

Anonymous said...

In regard to my posting above I want to mention I did notice him and his brother with plaster dust on their paws. Shame

Anonymous said...

In regard to my posting above I want to mention I did notice him and his brother with plaster dust on their paws. Shame

Me not see any reason for shame!

DK & The Fluffies said...

Feel better!

Amy in NC said...

I hope that you eye gets better soon, Opus. I have had an eye infection too and my mom had to torture me by putting ointment in it. I guess it was worth it since it got better but she wrapped me up in a towel to do it. I don't like towels anymore.

So, how did you push that tower over?


Just Ducky said...

Ciao i bei gatti. Avere una vita buona. L'amo

Cat Naps in Italy said...

You speak Italian so well! Where ever did you learn?
Op and Ros