Sunday, February 12, 2006

Grandma = Fun

We have been having so much fun since our Grandma arrived! She allows us to get away with things that our humans never do!

She makes us little beds in front of the windows so we can enjoy the sunshine...

We get to sleep on the kitchen table....

She even lets us drink beer!

We sure do love having Grandma here!


Edsel/The Pooch said...

hopefully not too much beer!

Just Ducky said...

Three cheers for Nonna. It's nice to be spoiled. The beds by the windows are the bestest. I like all of my perches so I can see out my windows.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Sweetie Here---
You like guys! Drinking beer, huh? Your Grandmas sounds really puuuuurrrrfect!

Kukka-Maria said...

Cats + Grandma + Beer = Good Time had by All!

It's not like you're having to drive home...have a ball!

The Crew said...

How nice to have a Gramma that loves you. We never see ours 'cause she lives in New Jersey and we live in Wisconsin.

Anonymous said...

That is one seriously cool grandma!

Amy in NC said...

Y'all have a cool Grandma! You need to help us train our human grandparents!

The Monsters

meemsnyc said...

A grandma that lets you drink Beer. Sa-weet!

Shaggy and Scout said...

You mean your mama doesn't give you a bed by the window with the sun & a view. Gramma needs to straighten her out and give her cat tips before she leaves!

Chatham said...

Aren't Grannys wonderful?

The Fluffy Tribe said...

Wow your Grammie sounds cool. Can we borrow her? ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko Ko