hopefully not too much beer!
Three cheers for Nonna. It's nice to be spoiled. The beds by the windows are the bestest. I like all of my perches so I can see out my windows.
Sweetie Here---You like guys! Drinking beer, huh? Your Grandmas sounds really puuuuurrrrfect!
Cats + Grandma + Beer = Good Time had by All!It's not like you're having to drive home...have a ball!
How nice to have a Gramma that loves you. We never see ours 'cause she lives in New Jersey and we live in Wisconsin.
That is one seriously cool grandma!
Y'all have a cool Grandma! You need to help us train our human grandparents!The Monsters
A grandma that lets you drink Beer. Sa-weet!http://ilovecatnip.blogspot.com
You mean your mama doesn't give you a bed by the window with the sun & a view. Gramma needs to straighten her out and give her cat tips before she leaves!
Aren't Grannys wonderful?
Wow your Grammie sounds cool. Can we borrow her? ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko Ko
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hopefully not too much beer!
Three cheers for Nonna. It's nice to be spoiled. The beds by the windows are the bestest. I like all of my perches so I can see out my windows.
Sweetie Here---
You like guys! Drinking beer, huh? Your Grandmas sounds really puuuuurrrrfect!
Cats + Grandma + Beer = Good Time had by All!
It's not like you're having to drive home...have a ball!
How nice to have a Gramma that loves you. We never see ours 'cause she lives in New Jersey and we live in Wisconsin.
That is one seriously cool grandma!
Y'all have a cool Grandma! You need to help us train our human grandparents!
The Monsters
A grandma that lets you drink Beer. Sa-weet!
You mean your mama doesn't give you a bed by the window with the sun & a view. Gramma needs to straighten her out and give her cat tips before she leaves!
Aren't Grannys wonderful?
Wow your Grammie sounds cool. Can we borrow her? ~Merlin, Shadow, Ko Ko
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