We are so excited!

Today she said that she is going to lay around in bed, relax, and that she expects to be waited on hand and foot. You know, pretend she is a cat! We think that is a wonderful idea and we plan to join her in her lazy activities.

Happy Birthday Ma. We hope you have a wonderful day!

Love Your furry, little babies,
Opus & Roscoe
Opus & Roscoe
Stopped in the see what the grandkitties were doing for your birthday. Looks like you all have the solution solved. Hope you are having a happy birthday, wish we could be there with you.
Mom & Dad
Happy Purrfday OpusandRoscoe'sMom!!!! we hopes you hadded a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday to your human! She is very young!!!
Happy Birthday, Opus & Roscoe's human lady. We are so glad you have decided to be a cat for the day. Have a wonderfuly birthday. Opus and Roscoe have been putting the Happy Birthday song to purring. Oh, maybe that was supposed to be a surprise?
jans funny farm
Happy Birthday to you, Opus & Roscoe's mom!! What a wonderful way to celebrate you birthday like this. I wish my staff was like you. :-)
A birthday headbutt from me,
Happy Birthday to your Mommy!! Our Mommy says not to feel bad - her BD's coming up soon and she refuses to tell us hwo odl she will be after reading this post!! :)
Happy birthday to your mom! I hope she has a wonderful day. She is very pretty!
HAPPY BIRFDAY TO YOU opus and Rosco's MOM!!!!! cent anni!!!
I think you awe young and bootiful!!!!
Have fun pwetending youw a cat
smoochie kisses
Happy Birthday to the mom! Hey she is getting along in years huh? Hope you spoiled her today.
Love the picture with you and your mum with her wedding dress. Or does she dress up like this all the time.
Happy Purrthday to your mum.
We are so sorry - we missed it!!!
Happy belated birthday human!!!! The maid said that is NOT old at all - she is more then 100 years older, hahahahahahaha!!! She also said she knows she likes your Mom just by the fact that there are all these BOOKS in the back of the picture - whatever that means....
Now who IS waiting on the three of you and and foot????
Sorry I missed your human's birthday but I hope she had a really great day pretending to be a cat:)
Opus and Roscoe, I've tagged you for a meme, but your Mom can do it if she likes!
Sorry I am a bit late for the lazy birthday party. Good thing we did drop by earlier to wish your mom a happy birthday. It was Australia Day yesterday and SS did even turn on the 'puter. Splendid idea having the day in bed and being waited on, presumably by your dad!
Your mom is not old at all and she is very pretty. My SS does not want to calculate her age in cat years just in case the computer blows up.
Oh no. YOur mom is very olde.
So's mine... mentally decrepit even.
take good care of her.
Important things are happening at my blog! I asked the question....
Are ya two still partin or layin around the house restin up???? Ya both are such cuties, I love ya a whole bunch. Hey love like best of friends! Don't want anycat/doggie to get the wrong ideas.
Happy Birthday! Your bed looks very fluffy. There seems to be plenty of room for strrrrretching.
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