Ruis and Karl's
Hawaiian Bachelor
Party Luau
and Lizard Roast!
We are Opus and Roscoe, your hosts for the day. As Karl and Ruis's bestmen, we couldn't let them get married without throwing them one heck of a bachelor party! We hope you going to have as much fun as we will! Feel free to use any of the photos you find on our blog today. If there is anything we can get for you, please just ask. Come on in and make yourselves comfortable. As you can see, some of the other guests are already here. As you enter, be sure to pick up a lei from Ruis's brothers, Gucci and Buzzar.

the tropical drinks are flowing.......

and the "big kahuna" of our meal,
roast lizard with a pineapple glaze.
roast lizard with a pineapple glaze.
Before we eat, we would like to say a few words. Just yesterday our friend, Bonnie Underfoot, passed away unexpectedly. We are deeply sadden by the loss of our friend and would like her family to know that they are in thoughts and prayers. We would like to take a moment to remember Bonnie and also Ruis's sister, Miral, and Karl's sister, Anastasia; all who have journeyed over the rainbow.

We want them to know that they are loved and missed. It helps to know that they are with us today in spirit and deep within our hearts. Play the video below, in memory of all of our loved ones who have gone over the rainbow bridge....
What better way to remember them than by celebrating life?
Time to eat! During our meal the The Catgrass Hula Dancers (Mrs. Oz, Momo, Charlotte, Asta, Sassy, and Baby Mao) will be performing for your entertainment

Also for your entertainment, Roscoe will be trying his paw at fire throwing. Please step back and someone grab a fire extinguisher.

After our meal, there will be plenty of actives offered to our guests. If you are interested in learning how to surf, Ruis's family will be down by the seaside with a surf instructor and plenty of boards.

So head on down to the beach and "hang ten"!

This evening Ruis and Karl invite you to join them and their families down at the water's edge. There Gucci will perform the many songs he has learned in ukulele class.

And speaking of the beach, Dragonheart will be hosting a beach volleyball tournament this afternoon for anyone who is interested in a little friendly competition.

Volleyball not your style? No worries as there are many other great activities planed. Maybe you would like to join Socks, Charlotte and Adan for a fun game of limbo?

At 4pm in the jacuzzi, Buzzer and Asta will be teaching any interested kitties how to do the doggy paddle

And enjoy a relaxing afternoon.

...enjoy yourselves and stay as long as you like.
Don't forget that Ruis and Karl are registered here for their wedding....
Opus and Roscoe
Family members:
Bubbles, Gucci, Buzzer, Emil
Asta, Sassy, Momo, Charlotte, Mrs. OZ
Pinot, Socks, Yao-lin, Baby Mao, Monte, Dragonheart, Merlin, Mike, Adan, Lego, Jon, Jayson, Justin, Jeremy.
Great!!!!!!! First to arrive, what a fun day ahead of us. Everythings looks wonderful. Thanks for inviting us. When do you expect our guests of honor to arrive?
We were saddened to learn of Bonnie going to the rainbow bridge the other day and we are keeping her in out thoughts today as we are going to gather with our friends. She will be missed by all.
Sassy & Momo
Welcome to the hula! So glad that the entertainment got here before the rest of the guests! Hehehehehe! Come one in, grab a lei and tie on your grass skirts girls! This is going to be one fun day!
The Bestest Men
Wow! Everything looks just fantastic. You guys went all out! Where is the happy couple?
Tipper, grab a few seats near the umbrella and keep an eye on Misty if she wants to hula. Max and I are going to check out the buffet table.
What a lovely party scene! It all looks really beautiful.
Purrs, Sukie X
Guys - this is the best party EVER!!! And as you know - we know parties! This is soooo wonderful - we are speechless. We will have some food and drink and then change into some appropriate attire... This is soooooo great..... Only Karl's maid broke down crying for quiet some time about your most beautiful remembrance of our loved ones who have gone.... Humans, they don't understand how nice it is at the rainbow bridge....
We'll be around here, enjoying the party!
Karl and Ruis
Hey Karl & Ruis-CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! So happy for the two of you. It is so nice to see a lot of our friends here.
Yes, it is good to remember those not with us, they are always near to being with us as they are in our thoughts.
Sassy & Momo
O.k. - we picked up some leis - and now we are READY TO PARTY!!!!
Welcome everyone! So glad that you could make it! Let us know if Roscoe can get you some refills on your drinks. George, hows the buffet?
Sukie, would you like to dance a while?
Karl and Ruis, so glad that you guys are here! Like the leis very much! Hope that everything is to your liking! Sorry to make your maid cry. Our human did the same thing...
Sassy and Momo, are you ready for your big after dinner number?
Refills anyone????
Opus and Rosoce
Ah I think this is just what we needed! A wonderful party. I have to admit I am more of a beach volleyball kind of cat than a surfer girl
Opus and Roscoe
This is delightful..evewything is so pawfect! I've nevew been to a luau, and I'm so glad we'we all togethew celebwating love and life amidst allthe sadness..I'm going to go get one of those fabulous dwinkds now...I've been pwacticing my hula dance, I hope I get it wight
smoochie kisses
Chey and Gemini- welcome to the luau! See you both on the volleyball court!
Asta- So glad you could stop by! Your dancing is just perfect! Enjoy your drink.
Opus and Rosoce
we are just poping in to have some chat with our friends and whish you both a happy bachelor party!
we are very sad about bonnie and just need some quiet time...
we will stay here but but be a bit more quiet than usual...
we love you all and are offering our biggest hugs to alla you
Hey our sissy Asta is here now.
Sassy & Momo
Astrid, Kashim & Othello, we are so glad that you could stop in. We understand that you are feeling quiet. I hope you can enjoy some food and good friends.
Nice change of outfits! How many more have ya got?
The Bestest Men
Congratulations Ruis & Karl! Health and happiness to you both. Thank you efur so much for the wonderful party. I brought along Stryder, Scotchy and Sugar. They are making themselves comfortable at the bar before enjoying some of that pineapple glazed lizard! Yum yum! I think I will just find a comfy spot in the shade and watch some of the hula-ing. Thanks again!
I'd like to take advantage of the suwfing wif Ruis' family..it weally is a pawfect day fow it..at the moment , no kiotty has asked fow doggie paddle lessons, but just call me if you need me to hold the class...those skewed foodables wewe wondewful
thank you!!
Evewyone looks soo vewy nice...
see you latew
smoochie kisses,
This is a wonderful pawty, marred only by the sad news about Bonnie, which I hadn't known about. But I know she would have loved this occasion and would want her life to be celebrated. I'm going now to give my condolences to her family and will be back later. The food and drinks are great:) xxx
What an amazing party! So many wonderful things to eat and do - Bert wants to try his paw at surfing!
Three cheers for the happy couple!
Hip, hip hooray!
Hip, hip hooray!
Hip, hip hooray!
It's nice to think of Bonnie, Miral and Anastasia looking down on all of us from across the bridge.
Oh, this is such a wonderful party. Can you make a virgin smoking pineapple. Mommy had one when she was in Hawaii and she said it was yummy, if not we will take a virgin pina colada.
~Scylla & Charybdis
I think I may be getting too old to do the limbo, but oh what fun. A quick hop in the jacuzzi and a Long Island Tea should take care of the back ache. ~Socks
MoMo, you look lovely. ~Socks
Karl & Ruis, Congratulations! We are so happy that you found each other, wishing you every happiness for eternity. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
WOWIE! What a fantastic party! I must say I am completely in awe of the pineapple glazed lizard. I am going to nom-nom-nom some of that right away.
A toast to Karl and Ruis! I wish you much happiness and love as you start your new lives together.
Kellycat, welcome to the party. Just let us know if you would like some more lizard. You don't even have to get up, we will bring it right over to you!
Asta- Don't worry, once everyone has been fed we are sure that they will line up for you doggy paddle class.
Blackcat- we do hope that you come back and join us for a cup cake and some dancing.
P,B and J- Looking forward to seeing what you guys can do on a surf board. It is really nice to think of our friends looking down on us. They will always be with us...
Scylla & Charybdis - Two virgin smoking pineapples coming up! After all, Roscoe is the bar keep and we all have seen what he can do with a torch!
Socks- We will join you for a dip before the next round of limbo.
Opus and Rosoce
Oh my gosh!! This is the the greatest party we have ever been, too! Congratulations Karl and Ruis!!! We are off to eat the Lizard, have some fun, surf...........whew what a blast!! Thanks for inviting us!!
(((((((((((((hugs from all of us to all of you)))))))))))))))))))!!!
Your FL furiends,
Wow, dis is quite da par-tay! Congratulations to da happy couple...oh, look at dat buffet! Oh, der's my beyootiful Misty! Zippy, Sadie, you'll excuse me, I have a lovely lady to take care of. ~Speedy
Heh, congratulations Karl and Ruis and thank you so much Opus and Roscoe for inviting us...we're overwhelmed by all this...look, hula lessons! Oh this is going to be a great party.
Hai, I'm back, after reading all the comments for Bonnie and leaving my own. My eyes are still leaking. I've brought some drinks and eats, though there's so much here I think mine are superfluous! Happy Day Boys and conCATulations. Now please pour me a pinacolada...:) xxx
We couldn't forget to come to
your parties, because they are
'da cats me-ow baby'. We're all
ready to put our paws in the
sand to have a fun time. We're
trying the hula dance and then
we'll be hungry for roast lizard!
Very nice tribute to very special
furry family & friends that have
crossed the furever bridge. (HUGS)
Spooky, Daisy, Aniwa, Shadow and
Uncle Satchy too!
Roscoe is serving up RIGHT NOW his secret special drink. YOU DON'T WANT TO MISS OUT ON THIS ONE.
I must congratulate our hosts! Every detail has been taken care of...the decor, the entertainment, the music...even the weather is perfect. And the food...well, if we eat any more we might not be able to transport home!
When Mom & Dad went to our human sisters wedding in Hawaii and left us at home, I must admit we were a bit jealous, but now WE have something to talk about, too!
Hello everykitty here at this wonderful luau! I feel like I have never even left Maui! WOWIE ZOWIE!
Such a happy day for Karl & Ruis{{{{HUGS}}}}
We pause to remember those we loved with all our lonely hearts...just a heartbeat away.
Thank you for playing Israel's lovely song...another wonderful legend who left us way too soon. We must live each precious moment without any regrets...so lets party and pass me some of the roasted lizard! Opps my grass skirt keeps slipping off!
Hi all! Bendrix and I are here. Fantastic party!! What a great way to celebrate our friends. That roast lizard looks wonderful.
I think I'll head to the bar and then try my back at limbo.
We will be keeping all our Rainbow Bridge friends in our hearts today.
Hi, efurryone! Can I join the fun? I's gettin kinda lonely. In fact, do ya fink Bendrix mite hiss at me a time or two? It's weird not gettin hissed at. Bonnie would wantcha all to haf fun, but no pouncin on her. I's sure at the Rainbow Bridge, she's bossin efurryone around.
How bout sum hugs, purrs, dancin, nip an drinks? Whoooo-hooo!
Attention everyone!!! We propose a toast to all those who have left us. Kittens under 1 year old will toast with non-alcoholic beverages, please!
"To our friends & family who are at The Bridge -- We love you & will never forget you"
Drink up everyone!!
And a toast to Karl & Ruis!
"Mush love & happinesh"
And to our fabuloush hoshts, Opush & Roshcoe! (hic)
"Um...what was I shaying? (hic) Uh...to our great hoshts!"
This a really great party - and just look at that lizard!!!
I think Mitzi is going surfing - she's a real tomboy you know ;O)
(((HUGS))) Sukie X
wow - what a party! and lookit that lizard! we're gonna head on over to the bar. well, except for Rascal & Riley - they're only 9 months old. PARTY!
your tribute was lovely and made our Lady leaky again.
I would like to join in the toas to all the fuwwfwiends who have left us but awe hewe watching..Roscoe, may I pleez have one of youw special dwinks??
Thank you..it's so gweat to see evewyone!! Victow will you come dance wif me??
I'll twy to hissss...Sowwy I'm not vewy good at it ..but I'll keep twying...
smoochies Asta
w00f''s hope u dont mind a doggy joining da pawty....me loves dose liztinis...heehee dose boy dogs hula, me finks me mite try it in a bit...we sooo sorwy bout u friends Bonnie...may her RIP...angel lacylulu will take care of her, she likes kitties...
b safe,
What an amazing party! I have never been to this kind of place before - you two really know how to throw a party.
I must go and say hi to the happy couple and then check out the food.
By the way, your rainbow video made my typist's eyes leak.
what a fun partay!!! I am still a mancat-in-training but I sneeked to the party and had some 'nip tinis!!!
Thank you all so much for coming! We are glad that you are having a great time.
Victor, we are honored and happy that you are able to join us. Let's all gather around victor and give him a big group hug!
Uno (one), due (two), tre (three) HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!
To The Crew, thank you kindly for the wonderful toast!
Asta, if we can learn how to doggy paddle than you can learn how to hiss! Hehehehehe! Don't give up, we know you have got a little hissy cat inside of you somewhere!
Sukie, welcome back.
And welcome to the party Grr, Midnight,Cocoa,Samantha & Tigger,Stryder, Scotchy and Sugar, Zippy, Sadie and Speedy, Jewlgirl, Miss Peach, Mr. Hendrix, Grr, Midnight & Cocoa.
Fat Eric, we didn't mean to make your human cry, but we are happy to know our tribute touched your heart.
Lacy, we are so glad you joined us! Though this party is mostly cats, there are a few (two other) dogs here. We love ALL animals, so come on in and make yourself at home! It is always great to make new friends.
And now dear friends, we old cats are gonna go find a nice place to curl up for a while. Please don't leave, the party will go on all night (even if we are napping). Let us know if you need anything at all. Be sure to stick around as the sunrise over the beach is just breathtaking!
To RUIS AND KARL! CENT ANNI (one hundred years)!
Ruis and Karl's Bestest Men
we didn't forget you little buddy! You must have been leaving your comment at the same time we were! Welcome to party! This luau is open to all man cats, young or old. Well, really this party is open to ANY friend who wants to help us celebrate! Would you care for a bit of roast lizard?
We are off to the cabana for a cat nap! Party on you party animals!
Opus and Rosoce
w00f's again, me wood love to try sum roast lizard...does it goo good wiff liztinis?? me cood fur shure teach u all how to chase squeerls, me iz verwy good at it..
b safe,
WOW!!!!!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When you throw a party,you throw a party!!!!! This is fantastic too !!
It was so nice of you to remember Bonnie too. I cannot believe she is gone. I raise my glass and toast to her memory :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Whoa! What a party! You guys sure know how to do it up Opus and Roscoe. Those roasted lizards look fantastic... just odn't let Mini eat them all. heheh
Hey Karl and Ruis! Concats yall! Let's partay!
Hi, guys!! Congratulations on your happy day!!! We're glad to be at your party!!!! We love you!!!
Oh the roasted lizard is so yummy, I think I ate too much. After I take a quick nap Asta, I would love to learn to dog paddle. It would come in handy if I fell off the bridge. ~Scylla
I think I would like to try my hand at surfing now. Y'all have so much to do, I want to do everything; surfing, volleyball, limbo (who knew Socks was so good at it), dancing oh just everything. ~Charybdis (aka the energizer bunny)
MoMo darling, how about a nice romantic stroll on the beach? ~Socks
Roscoe's special drink packs a punch. We are over 1 so he let me and Charybdis have a sip. Oh, my head. I think I'll take another nap. ~Scylla
This is a great party. We have never seen a whole roasted lizard before. We have to try it, but we want to have a go at surfing, so we'd better do that first. We know that we shouldn't go in the water on a full stomach. Yayy this is FUN!!!
Concatyoolayshuns to Karl and Ruis, and ((((((hugs))))))to everyone.
We liked the video in memory of our departed furrends.
What a party! Thank you everybody who came so far - we are having a blast! It is very good to see you Victor, very good. We'll get you through these next weeks, dear friend.
And I think everybody agrees that Opus and Roscoe are THE party throwers! No one can do it better, this is amazing! And now we will have one of Roscoe's secret special drinks to go with another helping of that fabulous roasted lizard.
Thank you Opus and Roscoe!
Karl Ruis, Ruis Karl what can we say????? WHAT A GREAT DAY!!!!!SO LOOKING FORWARD TO THE BIG DAY!!!!!!
Thanks Opus and Roscoe for the fun day!!!!!! Heading home now to get a little rest.
Sassy & Momo
Aloha and Mahalo! Luau Charlie stopping by to say congratulations to Ruis and Karl. Looks like a wonderful party. Have a great time.
licks from
Whoa. Seriously, buddies. Whoa. This has gotta be the coolest bachelor party ever. And then you guys have years of fun ahead!
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
We just popped in for a minute. We didn't want to miss your party for Karl and Ruis. Everything looks wonderful and we'd love to stay and eat but Jan has overdone it today and it's going to take all of us to sit on her to make her rest.
Oh, thank you. Maybe we will just fill up a plate each before we go.
Wow, what an amazing party you throw! All the food and drinks look amazing. Talk about fun.
I know I am very late to the party. I have been working my paws off with the Holiday of Hugs. So here are ((((((((((hugs))))))))))) for everyone here.
Here is to the happy couple Karl and Ruis.
Hey guys we are having so much fun!!
The ocean over here is just beautiful! We can't wait until sunrise! Let's hula!!
I want to do the limbo!! Samantha
Hey all! I thought i would drop in this evening before bed. One last walk on the beach and perhaps a late nite snack would be great !! Any food left ??
Hey all! I thought i would drop in this evening before bed. One last walk on the beach and perhaps a late nite snack would be great !! Any food left ??
My goodness, I have never seen a lizard roasted such as this one! Yum! What a terrific party! Willow and I are having such a wonderful time!
Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat
Thanks for the birthday wishes.
The party is wonderful, all the Sherwood Bunch have really enjoyed themselves. And the photos are spectacular, I can see why they enjoyed it so much. You can really throw a party!!!!
We are all going to miss Bonnie terribly. She was a part of all of us, of the Cat Blogosphere.
Love your graphic of Miral, Anastasia and Bonnie. Funny, my first thoughts after learning of Bonnie was that she was with Miral and Anastasia. That's some good company there.
And, in honor of Miss Bonnie an the Day/ Weekend/ Holiday of HUGS, here’s ours:
*******hugs******* (KC)
*******hugs******* (Missy)
*******hugs******* (Faith)
*******hugs******* (Sol)
*******hugs******* (Smokey)
*******hugs******* (BJ)
*******hugs******* (Mommy ML)
Love, ML & The Sherwood Bunch
ACK, we Ballicai are late, late, late... we're so sorry! But we're here now, and what a fabyoolus pawtay! You are great hosts. We'll hang out and enjoy! this lizzard is FABYOOLUS!
(((((((hugs)))))) to efurrybody -- we Ballicai are so happy to have you as our furriends.
Kittyhugs, purrs, and love to all from MaoMao!
Opus and Roscoe you know how to throw a party. This is awesome!
Mindy & Moe
Guys - I just wanted to warn you! I heard a rumor that Emil might post some 'pictures' tomorrow afternoon.... you did not by any chance take away his camera??? If not - oh my.....
What a wonderful party, Opus and Roscoe! You are fabulous hosts. What wonderful food, and such delightful company!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
We are sorry we missed the party. We just stopped by to say congratulations to Karl and Ruis. We wish for them a wonderful future together as husband and husband.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
What a fabulous party! :) We had a great time! :) Congratulations to Karl and Ruis! :)
WOO HOO!!! Partay!!!
Thanks to everyone who came by to wish our friends, Karl and Ruis, a happy wedding! We hope you all had as much as we did!
We think we are going to spend the day here at the beach, just resting and relaxing. We hope you will join us for a quiet day of sun bathing.
To Ruis and Karl,
you guys are the best buddies a cat can have! We are so happy to be your friends and honored to stand up for you at your wedding next week.
Everyone enjoy the day on the beach and we will see you at the WEDDING OF THE YEAR!
Opus and Rosoce; the Bestest Men
PS. Who on earth is going to clean up this mess????
HUUUUUUMAN!!!! Where ARE you??????
Darlings! What a fabulous party!!!! I am dismayed to see Baby Mao having such a wondeful time but that did not ditract from my merriment! FANTASTIC PHOTOS YOU CLEVER THINGS, YOU!!!!! XXX
Everyone looked like they had a great time at the party. We have only been blogging for a few months so we don't know many kitties.
Those leis look so colorful and we wish Karl and Ruis a happy life together.
Love -
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