Today we are soooo excited and proud! Our good friends Momo and SS are graduating! In honor of their great achievement, we decided to bake to cake. Since I had never made a cake before, Opus took it upon himself to teach me how.

Opus said that my baking style reminded him a lot Roscoe's which I take as a great complement!

Not bad for a first try!
Concatulations Momo and SS! We are so very proud of you both!
Your blog is hysterical, nice work :)
We'll be following from Rome!
What a lovely cake, we shall enjoy helping you eat it.
Olive it is very nice to spend time with you and get to know you better. We are looking forward to having lots of adventures.
~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris
PS: As you can tell from the comment we deleted our help is having trouble with their brain.
The cake looks delicious! Can hardly wait to take a taste.
This certainly is a wonderful day as we all head to Australia to celebrate the two graduates! Will see you over there. Save me a seat at the graduation so we can sit together if you get there before me.
Oh wow! That cake is great. We're sure MoMo & SS will love it.
What a gorgeous cake! Are you sure that's your first try? Opus must be a good teacher!
Nip cake?
Thanks so much for the beautiful cake and for coming to help me celebrate. I thought I left a comment before but it's not showing. Wonder what was up with Blogger. Must be hunger. If so, we could spare a piece of cake, if it promises not to swollow any more comments or posts.
wow! your blog is so funny , cute and interesting! Super cake !
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - it reminds us of the great paintball game we had a while ago!!!
But we wouldn't mind trying some of that cake - it does look delicious!
Hi Olive & Opus,
Nice to meet you. I love your names, and wow, you did an amazing job with the cake!! MoMo & SS are very lucky to have you as friends.
Enjoy your weekend!
Olive, you're so talented, you make baking a cake like a piece of cake!
I'll be around your kitchen whenever you turn on the oven, haha!
Happy Father's Day to Opus and Olive's great dad.
Love ya lots
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