While I stayed up late studying about ancient Roman history, Ollie snuck away in the magic flying van and picked up the gang. She then dropped them off at the Colosseum where they spent the night getting everything in order for the perfect party.
Imagine my surprise when we arrived this morning only find my best friends waiting for me, Sassy, Karl, Momo, Ruis, and Asta! Doesn't the Colosseum look wonderful? (photo by Karl)
We took a quick group shot before putting on our nicest togas!
There was a parade in Rome, held in my honor. I walked proudly down the ancient streets with my best friends at my side.
Afterwards, we found some chariots and decided to have a race. We were thinking about using Olive as a speed bump! Hehehehehehe! Can you believe I won???? I think my friends might have let me win because it is my birthday. Aren't they the greatest?
Later at the Colosseum, I sat in the first row where I watched gladiators pretending to do battle. It reminded me of the time Roscoe was bullfighting with a chicken! Hehehehe! Throughout the day my thoughts have turned to Roscoe, like the time we went to Rome with Asta. Instead of feeling sad it makes me smile. I had 13 wonderful years with the best brother a cat could have asked for!

We decided to drink a toast to Roscoe on his 14th birthday. Then we made a toast to me! Then we toasted Cat Naps in Italy's 4th anniversary. Then we toasted to friendship. After that, I can't remember what we toasted but I am sure it was something! Hehehehehe!

So welcome to my birthday party! You may pick out which toga you would like to wear; a gift that you may take home with you so that you always remember your day with us in Rome.

Please come in and join the fun...

You are just in time as we are about to cut the beautiful cake that Sassy has prepared for me. That cat just keeps outdoing herself!
Sassy has catered the party. As you can see there is plenty to eat so please, help yourselves. We have roasted duck, wild boar, and caramelized figs on the menu. There are also fresh vegetables and fruits to choose from, not to mention authentic Roman bread and lentils.

We have a large wine selection to chose from. May I suggest the Vino San Giovese? It pairs wonderfully with the wild boar.

Be sure to mingle with the other guests. You will find the ladies enjoying the chocolate fountain.

While us man cats enjoy a cold beer with some potatochips before lunch. After we eat there will be live music and dancing. The dogs are free to run laps around Circus Maximus if they feel the need for exercise. There is a quiet corner in the last row at the top of the Colosseum. It is a great spot for a catnap should anyone feel tired. Thank you for coming to my party! I hope you enjoy yourself!

I tell you, there is nothing like good friends to make you feel like a king (or a cesar)!
Thanks to each and everyone of you who stopped by today or sent me a card. You really know how to make an old cat happy!
Hi Opus, we want to wish you the very happiest of purrthdays...
we don't know any Italian, but our human knows a lot of "hoosier speak" so she says. Anyway, we too remember and miss Roscoe, but happy you know have Olive with you. So today, just enjoy all the good things in your life...
Happy Happy Day from your furriends Maggy and Zoey, at Zoolatry.
Happy Birthday and Blogoversary, Opus!
What a bitter sweet day it is. Momo told us about your magnificient party at the Colosseum and we're so glad we didn't miss it. You have the bestest friends in the whole wide world. What a lucky Mancat!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
Happy Birthday OPUS!!!!!
We are so happy to see you and Olive was very nice to plan this lovely surprise for you. Sassy always does a top notch job catering. Our waistlines will never be the same. The Vino San Giovese is excellent, thank you for the tip.
We too think of Roscoe often and all the great adventures we all had. He will always live in our hearts.
We are going to take a nap now until it is time for the dancing. All that food and wine has made us sleepy.
~S,S,C & F
Oh drat!Blogger ate our comment and told us to try again!
Happy purrfday Opus and Happy Blogoversary too. That is a wonderful celebration that you are having. We are glad that Ollie is such a good sister to take you to Rome to cheer you up.
We remember Roscoe with much affection.
Happy purrthday and happy blogoversary, Opus! This party is the greatest!! Enjoy your very special day.
Happy Birthday Opus - we hope we can get in on the tail end of your party!!
Lilly, Piper, Carrleigh and Java
Happy Birthday Opus! We know Roscoe is watching from the bridge and enjoying the party too.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Happy Happy birthday. Just read on Asta's blog thats its your birthday, so dropped by to say hello.. Hugs GJ xx
Happy Birthday, Opus! What a great party this is!!! Roscoe would have enjoyed it so much!!! And Happy Blogoversary too!!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
And many more!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What a great party and how nice to be together again. I have missed all so much. One for all and all for one!!!!!
Congrats Ollie, you sure pulled off the grandest surprises of all surprises. I don't think he had a clue.
Now back to the party, no time to waste.
Happy Birthday, Opus! It looks like you're having a wonderful party. We wish you a year full of fun, love, treats and scritches!
Charlemagne and Tamar
Happy birthday, Opus! We followed the party trail from MoMo's bloggie, hope you don't mind if we crash the party. :) While we didn't know your brother Roscoe, he sounds like a great kitty and we know you miss him, we're sure he's still with you and your beans daily.
We hope your birthday has been just grand!! And happy blogoversary too!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Happy Birthday bestest friend!!!
What a great party, it is so wonderful to see you all again, and at such a wonderful place too!
Roscoe would have approved!
Now on with the party!
I have ham and the carbinieri have been paid off so they won't take me back to the US to be tried even if I am sound!
Happy happy Birthday!!! YEAH!!!!
Happy Biwfday my deawest fwiend!
I'm so happy to be hewe in bootiful Italy again celebwating you and youw blogovewsawy and wemembewing the wondewful times we had wif Roscoe and looking fowawd to all thefun we will have yet to come.
Youw sissie Olive is the best , she planned this so puwwfectly.
I'm off fow that wun now..see you aftew youw nap
smoochie kisses
Asta sent us over -- happy birthday, Opus!
ave, opus!! felix natalis tibi! ad multos annos!!
what a marvy celebration--we is glad you has enjoyed such a wonnerful day. it is also a great way to remember dear roscoe!
--the meowers
Oh thank you everyone for coming to the party. I do hope that everyone is having a good time. Be sure stick around because there will fireworks after dark and dancing till dawn. Who said this old cat can't get his groove on?
I want to welcome all of Asta's doggie friends who came by to wish me a happy birthday. You were very brave to come to a cat party and we are all so happy to have you here. If there is anything you need, please just me know. I only ask that you don't chase the kitty guests, too much (hehehehehe)!
Time to hit the dance floor and then I am off for anohter cat nap!
A furry Happy Purrthday, Opus, and to Roscoe, at the Bridge.
What a splendid party... wowie. This is super.
I's gotted a toga an am going to try some wild boar. Looks yummy.
Love and Purrs,
Missy Blue Eyes
Faith Boomerang
pee ess: Look at Faith Boo climbin all over tha coleuseum an tha ruins. Wow, can she climb. Oh, and Smokey's right behind hers.
Happy Birthday Opus. So nice of your sister to throw you this surprise party. I am not sure how it was kept a secret.
I have never seen so many cats and dogs in one place before. This is such a neat way to get to know others.
Thanks for the invite. Hope to see more of you and your friends.
What a wonderful party! We're so glad to see all of you again. We've missed those of you who haven't been around much for a while. So this is wonderful! And in Rome.
Happy Birthday & Blogoversary, Opus. We think your toast to Roscoe was moving.
We'll go try some of Sassy's cake now.
Did we hear there's dancing?
Happy Birthday, Opus! I hope you have a super-duper day filled with toys and treats and hugs and kisses. And happy blogoversary, too!
That San giovese is all that you said and mowe..sluwp, hick..I may have to take a cat nap too.
all the food is incwedibly delicious, but then I've aways been pawtial to Italian feasts, hehehe
Anothew toast: To Olli fow owganising this bootiful pawty!
smoochie kisses
OMC and OMD, I cannot believe the fun we are all having here. Hey . . . HEY Momo come down from there, I am not sure we are allowed to do that here in the Coliseum. Oh my I need to run . . . .Karl can you come and help me????????
So nice to see everyone having such a good time. Remember to stick around for fireworks at midnight.
Now it is time for the BUNNY HOP!!!!! Who is in?
Happy Purrthday Opus, concatulations on yoor blogaversary and a speshul toast to Roscoe waiting ate da Bridge.
Thanks Karl for helping me out with Momo. Boy! That was a close one. Hey has anyone seen Asta, Opus, or Opus????
Buon compleanno, Opus! What a wonderful birthday feast you are having! I'm sure sweet Roscoe is celebrating with you at the Bridge. Enjoy the rest of your special day.
We are having a splendid time dancing off all the food we ate. And we don't believe it but Asta seems to have managed to teach Fenris how to dance. He is pretty good at it for a young pup. The Fireworks will be so romantic. We thinks Socks has plans to be curled up on a blanket with MoMo to watch them. ~S,S,C & F
Happy Purrthday Opus!!!!! And Happy Purrthday Roscoe!!!!! (We are certain he is looking down and checking in to see how the party is going).
Oh, dear, we knew Momo likes to climb up high, but .... Good thing you and Karl were here, Sassy.
Having a wonderful time. Can't wait for the fireworks.
What an amazing birthday you had Opus. Happy Birthday.
Happy 14th Birthday and 4th Blogoversary Opus! You have such good friends!
prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags,
Zeke, Sushi and Tiger Lily
Opus! Asta told us about your birthday and all about when she met you (and Roscoe) in Rome! We know today must be a bittersweet day, since it was Roscoe's birthday, too. But like we told Asta,
we're sure he was watching over you from the Bridge and sending his love and sweet wishes for a delightful day, traveling like purrs and whispers on a breath of wind. Did you feel it?
Olive really knows how to throw a party! Starting with the chauffeured transportation! We had to chuckle. Moma rode a "schoolbus" just like that when she lived in Belgium. Hehehe! That was a gazillion years ago. Now those buses fly!!!! (They probably always did, but Moma didn't know that back them.)
We're glad we were able to come join your for your party. We both looked rather important in our togas (wish could could've seen us, but we didn't get there until after all the toasting. It's okay. We joined in and brought Moma home a bottle of wine as a souvenir.)
Everything was wonderful and elegantly beautiful. What a pawsome venue for a birthday party. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, and most of all we made new friends.
Happy happy birthday, Opus!
Thanks for letting us join you,
Jake and Fergi xxoo
I'm so happy my newly adopted sissie Fewgie and Bwuvvew Jake came to join the pawty..they have had a pwetty hawd life befowe theiw moma found them and they awe new to pawties.Thank you fow making them feel welcome.
That bunny hop was so much fun..I'm pwetty good at it and Fenwis is such a fast leawnew..we wewe dancing like you wouldn't believe
Did you see us?
Whew, I think I need a little mowe of that yummie San Giovese wine and pawhaps some woast duck, heheh, no , not that much Kawl..I have to watch my figgowe.
Momo sissie pleeez stop twying out youw high wiwe act..you'we scawing me again
Opus and Ollie, you awe soo lucky to live in this bootiful countwy
I just love being hewe
Happy, Happy Birthday and Blogoversary to my very dear friend, OPUS!!!
What a party!!! We sure have fun with all our furriends. What more can one ask - great company, wonderful food and drinks...
Let's toast again - to all the kitties!!!! Hic!
Hi Opus and Happy Purrthday to you. It has taken me a long time to get here but it was worth it, a great party. Now I have to see if I can find me a toga.
Dearest Opus my beloved farm boy! It has been a long tie since I was able to visit you and today I just had to come by and wish you a wonderful birthday celebration at the Roman Collusium! What a grand surprise it was for you.
I am so happy that you are doing well again and enjoying your life...I will be getting married next month to Mickey the black cat from Nova Scotia and hope that you can come by for the reception if you have time.
All my love your Miss Peach
Oh my Opus!!!!!!!!
Happiest Bark er Meowday and Blogoversary dear boy!!!!!!!!!!
Um...could I have some of that delissh carob fountain??? Oh my.....
What an amazing pawty Olive has planned for you here my dear!!!! I have never seen so much food!!!
Of course I won't be chasin' any of you kitties...
We're thinking of sweet Roscoe today too and know you are too!
Tons of love and kisses...
Laciegirlie, Scruffy and Stanny
Happy Birthday, Dear Friend!!
What a wonderful and great party! Fourth blogoversary and 14th birthday... I am so happy to be here, see you, and celebrating this with all our friends!!
Knowing Roscoe he's throwing a party for our Bridge friends! :)
Hi Opus and Olive! Asta said there was a great birthday party going on here for a great guy! Happy Happy Birthday OhhhhPusssss....and many more. Thank you Olive for arranging such a fantastic event! You are truly the bestest hostess. I brought a couple of squirrels on a stick for grilling and a pint of the best heavy cream for sharing.
Thank you again!
Bonnie, the wee Scottie
This has been the parties of all parties. What a great way to welcome the first day of fall and to see all of our wonderful friends. I am going to find a quiet corner as I have to rest up now. Thanks for the fun filled day!!
What a party! Everybody is here, and we are having such fun! That was the 'bestest' idea ever, Ollie!!!
Happy birthday to yoo and Angle Roscoe ~ wot a wonderful party ~ thanks.
Milo and Alfie xx
sorry that was meant to say "Angel Roscoe" ~ mom's in bed recovering from poorly operation and it'ss hard to type lying down.
Milo and Alfie xx
Happy birthday Opus! I'm sorry I missed your big party. man it looks like fun. i thought about you yesterday and I brought you a fresh catnip plant today. You know, a little "hair of the dog" to help you recover! ha ha ha
My goodness, Olive well all out, didn't she! It must have cost her a fortune in catnip.
Sorry we missed the big event, but it looks like everyone had a great time. Happy, happy purrthday and happy blogiversary, too!
Happy Belated Birthday Opus!! We are so sorry to have missed your party!!We hope you have many, many, many mooooooore!!
Your (formally FL now) TX furiends,
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