Thursday, November 24, 2005

Happy Turkey Day

We want to wish everyone (two legs and four legs) a very Happy Thanksgiving. We hope your day is full of turkey and lazy naps!

Opus and Roscoe


Isa said...

Hi gatti americani,
I'm Martino, an Italian cat. I find your blog very interesting. I have a blog too but it is strictly in italian because I hardly speak in Italia, so my human is translating this post for you. Take a look to my blog. Hope to see your comment there soon. I'm the nicest of my courtroom! Miao!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Cool picture. It makes you 2 look almost like a mirror image.

Just Ducky said...

Thanks for the Thanksgiving Day greetings. I ate some turkey for you. I love your new picture. Ciao.

DK & The Fluffies said...

Happy Gobble-Gobble Day!

Spock said...

Hope you & your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Careful with that turkey, it's got a sleepin drug in it....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Nobody warned me!!!!

Edsel/The Pooch said...

cool picture, you guys are very photogenic.

Anonymous said...

Me Love Your Villa In Italy! Evil!Troll Is Most Jealous!

Me Hope You Had Most Wonderful Thanksgiving too!