We think we are going to spend the day here at the beach, just resting and relaxing. We hope you will join us for a quiet day of sun bathing.

To Ruis and Karl,
you guys are the best buddies a cat can have! We are so happy to be your friends and honored to stand up for you at your wedding next week.
Everyone enjoy the day on the beach and we will see you at the WEDDING OF THE YEAR!
Opus and Rosoce; the Bestest Men
PS. Who on earth is going to clean up this mess????
HUUUUUUMAN!!!! Where ARE you??????
We will help you clean up. Then we are going to curl up and nap on the beach in the delightful sunshine. We had a PAWSOME time at the party. Thank you so much for hosting it.
~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
That was a really good party. We would offer to help you clean up but we had to get back to the UK. Livvie is sleeping off the journey now.
(((HUGS))) Sukie X
What a sweet picture! Our Karl and his Ruis holding paws....
We would love to help clean up but I have to edit some pictures (hehehehehehe) and Mrs. OZ is still shaken from her surfing experience.... Check our blog later!
And I have NO idea where Karl is.....
It was a great party. I'm glad you have a human who can clean up!
That was some party! I've never tried roasted lizard before but I had a little piece to taste and it was surprisingly yummy - a bit like chicken, hahaha. Gotta get back to resting my aching head after all those delicious cocktails...:) xxx
Opus and Roscoe
That was the best pawty I've evew been to..You two awe the best..I fell asneep in the sun, and now I don't just have a polkadotted belly , but I'm polka dotted all ovew, hehehe
I'll help wif the cleanup if I could just have one mowe dwinkie pleez....the sun made me thiwsty...
I love you
smoochie kisses
Thanks for inviting us! I had a wonderful time. You are most excellent hosts.
Great party and again thanks for inviting us to it. We will volunteer to help with the clean up. Doesn't look too bad though.
Sassy & Momo
I couldn't stop him - Emil has posted some pictures....
Thanks for a really great party. Sassy and I will help cleaning up and then relax on the beach.
Looks like everyone went home and left a mess. We hope you found your human.
In memory of Bonnie Underfoot, we send {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to all of you from all of us at JFF.
This has to be the royal wedding of the year. FAZ
We are so bummed that we missed the party! It looked like a great time was had by all!
Maybe we can curl up and have a nap with you today!
I missed the party, but I'm sending a lot of (((HUGS)))
{{{{{HUGS}}}}} to you!!! Thanks for a great party. I enjoyed dancing the hula so much. My SMS has a knee injury and is now on forced rest. Hahaha - I get blogging time!
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