Sassy just posted a bio about us that she had asked us write. Go check it out if you are interested in learning more about the CCSI graphic design team. Roscoe accused me of talking too much, but I just didn't want to leave out any important details of how we got started in "The Biz". Modesty has never been one of my strongest qualities but that is okay because I'm a cat! Hehehehehhee!
We had a great success with the first show and the second is looking to be even bigger and better than the last. The premiere is on December 14th at Sassy's blog. Be sure to tune in to see our Christmas special which was written by the brilliant Karl and directed by the talented Ruis.
Last but not least, we have to thank Sassy who came up with whole script writing show idea in the first place. This has turned out to be a wonderful community project with cats and dogs working side by side. We certainly hope that someone out there is already thinking of a script for the next episode.
One last note, we have been working on a CCSI badge that is for ANY animal that has worked on any of the CCSI episodes (cast and crew). The graphic part is done, now we are just waiting to add the link so the photo will have a code (meaning it will take you to a post all about the show and how to get involved). Sassy will be passing those out once it is finished so contact her via email if you worked a show and would like the code. It should be ready in the next few days.

And one final, final note, we would like to thank Miss Peach for the wonderful time we had at her house yesterday. We know she worked really hard on her tea party and it was a fantastic party! What a great afternoon sitting around with friends and enjoying a good, hot cup of tea. We hope she had a nice time and that her human had a wonderful birthday. She had hats for everyone to wear; I'm still not sure about Roscoe's choice.
- Opus

Hey, what was wrong with my hat?
- Roscoe
OH MY CAT have you been busy! You both took the time to come to the tea party when you had so much to do ! I am so proud that that you did, yo are my dear friends. I was happy to see you have some time with Karl...resting and relaxing. Movers and shakers need to let their fur down too!
The photo you took of us is so nice. I have it in my scrapbook for a later post! All I can say is BRAVISSIMO and kiss kiss kiss.Now off to rest and dream about a role in a future CCSI episode:)
Hello Opus and Roscoe. We don't think we haf met yoo befurr, but after seeing yoo at miss Peach's party we decided we wanted to see where yoo live. We can't wait to see the next CCSI. It looks as if it is going to be furry exciting.
We haf told our mum she has to put yer link on our blog so we can come back and visit again.
I loved your hats! I had no idea how hard people worked for CCSI. I am just so thrilled to be staring in it!
Hi this is Queen Snickers! Momma and I want to send out our raffle prise but have not got an address for our winner yet? Are you still waiting on it? Thank!
You two sure are busy bees! I hope you have some time for napping and playing, too.
I am ready to have my Daisy Friends mug sent whenever you get the address.
What a nice post. I am thinking that maybe I should have ya two in advertising, what do ya think? Ha, ha, ha. I have been to Karl's and left 13 reasons why I am happy to have him involved with CCSI so I thought I would slowly but surley stop at the lead graphic designers/photographers and do the same, it might take me awhile to get through things but ya two are my second stop so here goes: 1. Always havin an up day, nothing gets ya two down. 2. Two for the price of one, the way ya two work together, wow, one can start a sentence and the other one can finish it. 3. Overlapin your skills into other areas of production. 4. Bringing cat treats into the set for all to share. 5. Listenin to me when I need pep talk and always knowin the right thing to say to me. 5. Keepin me vocused when my mind would be thinking down another path. 6. After hour e-mails figuring problem areas out. 7. Meeting your deadlines ahead of schedule. 8. Staggerin your hours so when one needed to sleep the other was there workin in his place. 9. Helpin me sort and process information that was comin across my desk. 10. Workin hard and long hours to learn your lines for the show but never to busy to help out another actor or crew member. 11. Willin to take on the role as producer in case I need help at the end of production to see that the show will go on. 12. Designing the new CCSI badges so everycat/dog that has been on a show or worked behind the scenes will be presented with one that they can display on their blog, linkin all of the CCSI information in one spot. 13. Just bein two of the most sweet cats I have known, so friendly, lovin and 100% wonderful! And that is just a few of the reasons I am happy that you work for Little Productions!
I love YOUR HATS! tHEY ARE BRILLIANT!! I'm such a good typist. Mom just told me the caps lock was on.
I am using my new computer, and now I am really top cat. They have older computers than me - the other two.
Sorry to have missed you at Miss Peach. I could only stay a little while. Love those hats. I had a beautiful one on as well but the picture didn't turn out too well.
Gee, you boys have been working hard! Did you say the premiere is going to be on Dec 9? Yippeee! I get to see it. SS is going to abadnon me for Cambodia on Dec 11 for almost a week and of course I won't be having any access to seeing the show during that time.
I really have to hand it to all of you for such a great job on everything - I really hope an Emmy is on the way - you deserve it! I sure have a lot of fun snooping around here to see what's going on!
licks & slobbers
Opus & Roscoe, if anycats work harder than me, it would definitely be you two! Thanks for stopping me by and helping me through my hissyfit -- you're right: I'd rather be in Italy! We can't wait until Dec. 9 - we know it will be a wonderful, exciting episode!
Buon Natale,
Hi guys - just stopping by again to let you know that in anticipation of and as a show of appreciation to all those who have worked so hard on CCSI I and II, I am holding a special screening on my blog of a 1948 Academy-award-winning animal film. Please stop by and check it out - and tell all of your friends!
licks & slobbers
Just a quick note..I didn't heaw the doowbell cause we wewe making so much noise, but the pawty is in ful swing and you'we not too late..sowwy i ade you wait in fwont of the doow, good thing the doowman called me
smoochie kisss
Miss ya two when ya are busy. I hope ya get back soon.
OOOh Roscoe and Opus..i love those hats..what fun!
I'm so vewy glad you made it to my pawty..what a gowgeous sleigh!!! thank you fow youw offew, but i aweady helped Mommi clean up and nothing impowtant was wuined..evewyone behaved vewy well if a little exhubewantly, but that's to be undewstood when you have 60 doggies,cats and hammies in one woom.
The film is suwe to be a hooge success.
smoochie kisses
Opus are ya here????? Opus where are ya????? Roscoe have ya seen him????? Come on over
If I thought I was busy, I was wrong! You two have the Great Raffle AND CCSI!!
CCSI is becoming a BIG hit!! Not only for the viewers, but also for us, behind the scenes.
ps -- the premiere is December 14th :)
Oh yes, graphic design can be very time consuming! My mom worked for years at a web designer and web projects manager, so she knows what that's like! I'm looking forward to the CCSI show!
We read your bio on Sassy's blog and were very impressed by that! I would love to get the code to post the CCSI badge. I'll e-mail to Sassy shortly.
Is Opus doing ok???
Momo & Pinot xoxo
I sent an e mail over earlier but thought that just won't do for my executive crew so I am stoppin by to invite ya, please read on:
Sassy C. Little, Executive Producer of Little Productions invites you to join in the celebration of the near completion of CCSI II: The Santa Caper
Who: Cast & Crew
What: Party
Where: Hearst Castle at San Simian, CA on Tuesday, December 11 at 6:00 pm est
My private pilots will be available for you to transport you to California on Tuesday and upon arrival at the nearest airport to San Simian you will then be taken to the Hearst Castle by a private helicopter.
The party will start at 6:00 pm est and go until the last one leaves. Again my personal pilots will take you back home when you want to leave. Please keep in mind when partying that the next day you will be needed on the set for more rehersals.
No need to RSVP me or call the pilots, just arrive at the airport anytime and wisk you away to California. All you have to do is show up at Sassy's and everything will be waiting.
You have all gone beyond my wildest dreams in doing all you can to make this show beyond what I thought it could be. I want to thank all of you and for this reason I am having this celebration in your honor. Hope to see you all there.
Most Sincerely,
THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!! For my wonderful potrait, I so lovvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeee it!!!!
Hey Opus & Roscoe,
This is Percy. Sassy sent me over to pick up my CCSI cast & crew badge. I like the design.
And Sassy's portrait? Wow! She looks amazing. Great work!
Jan's Funny Farm
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