I told him not to cough up a fur ball and got to work. It just so happens that I know a cat, who knows a cat who is a friend of Roberto Cavalli's dog. A few phone calls later and I had two Roberto Cavalli white dinner jackets on their way to our house. Needless to say, Opus is beside himself with happiness.
Sassy's party doesn't start until tonight, but we had a long journey ahead of us so we left early. Sassy's helicopter picked us up and off we went to California, USA! It was a long trip, but it was lots of fun to watch the tiny world beneath our paws.

So now we are here, a little early, just waiting for the party to start. We think we will take a walk in the gardens and see if we can't find Sassy.

I like these tuxedos MUCH bettr!
Hey, We kind of liked those colorful tuxes. But you two look spiffy in your white dinner jackets.
Percy couldn't afford formal wear and almost didn't get to go. But Sassy and Momo took him off with them, saying it was okay to come casual.
We're so happy for Percy! We hope all of you have a great time and take lots of pictures.
Jan's Funny Farm residents
Those Roberto Cavalli dinner jackets look marvelous!
You guys look great!!
Opus and Roscoe...PLEASE Tell you mom to email me! I sent her an email yesterday and have not heard back!!!
Hey, Guys,
We hear you and Percy have been spending a good bit of time in the wine cellar.
And we hear you've managed to find Percy an outfit for the party. We sure appreciate you helping out our brother. Guess it pays to know a cat who knows a cat who knows a dog .... Can't wait to see how he looks in the outfit.
Jan's Funny Farm residents
We are having a wonderful time! Your little Percy is such a delight! And our extra coat fits time to a tee!
We sent a photo along to Sassy's email so she can post it on her blog. You are welcome to use too if you like.
Wish we talk, but it almost time for dinner.
Opus and Roscoe
HIM not time (darn paws)! hhehehehe!
I stopped real fast to leave ya a note, I cannot thank you enough for my outfit ya bought from Italy for me. Such a beautiful dress. Thank you, thank you!!
Got to run, back to the party!!
Oh, Opus and Roscoe, We just saw you two posed with Percy in the wine cellar on Sassy's Tales. You all look so handsome. Thanks for sharing with Percy.
Jan's Funny Farm residents
Now those are hot!
Very elegant and dashing! So good of you to fit Percy out too. We would hate for him not to come to the party due to lack of suitable attire.
Roscoe and opus
You awe the most debonaiw cats I know..I'm glad you went with the white fow Califownia..it helps to know people who know people..I hope I can have a dance
smoochie kisses
I have seen a lot of tuxedos lately...;) You two look great in these!!
I think most of the work is done for me. Next to the red carpet photos and directing, I have received and replied to 353 (!!!) CCSI emails... Really, hahaha.
Now I am going to join Karl in our cottage in California at Sassy's...
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