One night we sneaked into Ruis and Karl's room to play a trick on them but they came home early and almost caught us. We leapt under their bed in an effort to hide. They stayed up HALF the night talking! It wasn't until 3am when they finally fell asleep and we were able to sneak back out!
(click on each photo for a better look)

On Momo's birthday we decided to play a game of hide and seek. We had all been hiding for about an hour, thinking that we had found the PERFECT hiding places because it seemed that Roscoe wasn't able to find any of us. When he never turned up, we peaked out from our hiding spots only to find that Roscoe had fallen asleep while counting to ten!

And speaking of games, Momo thought that Africa would be the perfect place to play Thundering Herd of Elephants. What Momo didn't know was that African elephants are incredibly good at this game; they play it ever day. We almost got trampled when Momo yelled "Thundering heard of elephants!!!!" but we got away just in time.

We had a lot of fun playing with the African animals. One day we thought it would be neat to have races. Can you believe that Sassy was able out run the cheetahs????

Roscoe on the other hand didn't have as much luck when he raced the hippos!

Then there was the afternoon that Opus came up missing. We found him sleeping in the bathtub with Momo's tiara and Roscoe's rubber ducky!

On our last night at the lodge, we were all feeling sad that we had to go back to our homes. We felt really bad that Karl and Ruis had to say good bye to each other. In an effort to cheer them up, we treated to them to a dinner theater.

In honor of our trip to Africa, we performed "The Lion King" for them while they enjoyed a romantic dinner.

After the show, all of our new friends came over to bid us a fine farewell.
Then as the African sun started to dip below the horizon, we all jumped in the magic flying van and headed back to our homes.

Be sure to stop by Sassy's blog and Karl& Ruis's blog to see MORE of our favorite photos!

The summer and safari of great fun! It is hard to believe that our time in Africa is over. I know we all will return and be together in Africa again. I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed spending this time with you two. You are the bestest of the best!!!! I think every summer the CCSI executives need to get away for a trip. What do you think? I think we are on to something here.
Until our next advanture ciao.
What an exciting trip! I think it's the sort of thing most of us can only dream about...
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA - LOL - HAHAHAHAHAHAHA - we had NO idea you guys were all under the bed.... I am afraid to think about what you might have overheard....... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
And you forgot to mention that we switched Sassy's nip tea with African Highland coffee that morning when she outran the cheetah!
The Lion King performance was glorious! Thank you so much for it!!!
What a fabulous "Neverending Safari" we had!
Karl (Ruis is back home... sniff sniff)
What a wonderful adventure and how sad it had to end. Kind of mimics human life, doesn't it? But none of you will ever forget the summer you spent together in Africa.
I can't believe Igot left out of the most glowious adventoowe yet! Those pictoowes must bwing back the booty and fun and adventoowe of youw was simply bweaftaking
smoochie kisses
Wow, yall had a super trip!!! That's great :)
Come on over, we gave you a couple of awards!
What a fantastic holiday you all had. We laughed at the photo of you all hiding under the bed. We are glad you got your MFV back.
Hi guys! (I never know which blog to look on first with this amazing African adventure happening!) You've done a wonderful job and we've been following your safari all through our cold winter, and have enjoyed it every step of the way! You deserve a stint in the spa after all of that travelling!
What an adventure! What a summer! I enjoyed (almost) every minute of it. It wasn't so pleasant in the quicksand, but what is adventure without danger. Absolutely love your candid photos. They are marvellous. So looking forward to our next adventure.
Hey Roscoe I know you are ill and I want to let you know I am praying so hard for you to get better.
Sassy sent us here, Roscoe...we know you are really sick and we want you to know we are prayin' for you and your family....
Buckets of love and healing zen headed to Italy for you sweet kitty...
Love and doggie purrs...
Scruffy, Lacie and Babystan
Purring for Roscoe from the topcatrules girls in Australia! {{{hugs}}}
I'm pwaying weally hawd fow youw health..I heawd fwom sissy Sassy that you awe vewy ill, and I'm just so upset at the thought.
Pleez get well sweet fwiend!!!!
I love you!!
and youw bwuvvew and Mommi and Daddi and all of us need you to be well
all my love and healing kisses
We heard Roscoe was very ill. We have our motors turned up full blast! Purrs.
Sassy let us know you wer not feeeling well Roscoe and we are her to let you know we are purrring and purrraying for you to get well!! Purrrrs and hugs to you and your family!
Your FL furiends,
Feel better soon Roscoe
O, Roscoe, please feel better.
i's purring fur you's.
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