We had a few late additions to the cast and wanted to introduce them to you. We also thought it was important to introduce the members of the crew who made this production possible.

Opus and Roscoe the writers, Sassy the producer and Ruis the director.
We also have....

as Second Mate Sandy,

as Third Mate Chris,
and Zoey

as Fourth Mate Sunny.
The show is now airing on
Sassy's blog. We put a lot of time and energy into the production and hope you enjoy it.
I must say that it has been my pleasure working with such a wonder group as we all worked hard to make the first CCSI a success. I owe so much to our writers, Opus & Roscoe, and also for their work in digital enhancement of photos. To all of our actors, Miss Daisy, Latte, Momo, Tigger, Asta, Ruis,Simba, Momo doggie, and Maggy & Zoey photographer & actor, & Ruis; director & actor,a big thanks. If I have forgotten anyone I apologize. There is just so many things to remember. May this premiere be the start of many more great shows to come! Head on over to my place for the preimere showings, free refreshments for all!
Roscoeand Opus
You awe such talented witews! I can't wait fow the second episode..it was a pleasuwe to wowk with such pwofessionals!
i had the best time..thank you fow including me
smoochie kisses
By the way..the snack wagon on the set was the best..who was the catewew?
you should use them again if possible!
I loved the livew and the cheese the most, and the dwinks wewe pawsome...I aways knew cats had gweat taste in food
gracie tante
I just saw part I and it was FANTASTIC!! And in my first reaction at Sassy's I said that you brothers did a marvelous job as casting directors, and even more as writers and art directors!!
Hollywood is little bit closer thanks to you!
I LOVED part one of the show! It was so exciting, and I can't wait to find out who done it!
I thought I recognized Maggy and Zoey! I am looking forward to part two and to further shows!
Part I is great. I just enjoyed working with you so much. Actually, you guys did all the hard work and I just sat around being the 'missing cat'. I have an award for you, please come around and collect it when you have a minute.
Kisses and purrs,
Great job today! Rest up as tomorrow is another big day on the CCSI set. I would like all cast members and crew to be present at showtime tomorrow, 11:00 am est. Thanks for a good job well done.
Oh Opus and Roscoe, your script was wonderful and I had such fun being in it.(Tigger) We had all our family and furiends watch it and they loved it. We are so excited about Part 2 tomorrow!
Your FL furiends,
See you soon, we got another big day ahead of us. I think the show is getting good reviews! Break a leg, I don't really mean that it's just something they say in the business before a performer goes on stage. I really mean stay safe.
Opus & Roscoe, I am sorry to call in a bit late!!
I must say you guys did fantastic job!!! I really appreciate you put me in the show at the last minutes and I enjoyed this experience very much!!! I know you guys worked hard. Thank you for everything.
Momo xoxo
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