Though we miss America, we just love living in Italy. The most popular question people (and animals) ask us is "what do we love best about living in Italy". There is just one simple word to answer that question, PIZZA!
Italy is the home of pizza and we just can't get enough of it. In Naples, six hours south of our home, is where the very fist pizza was made. If you ever get to Naples, you have to try a pizza there; it is guaranteed to be the best in the world!

Please come inside, we have hired our human to work as our personal slave today (is that really so different than any other day). She is here to wait on us hand and paw, so if there is anything you need, just ask her.
We spent a lot of time making all sorts of pizzas; we have fish pizza, lizard pizza, crab pizza, pepperoni, ham and a seafood pizza. If you don't see anything you like, just ask and we can whip you up something special.
It was a big job making all of these pizzas from scratch. Our Aunt Sassy arrived yesterday to help us get ready for the big day. Here we are in the kitchen making a fish pizza. It seems that I am doing all the work as Opus is just "supervising" and Sassy is eating more fish than she is putting on the pizza.

Over on the counter are all kinds of drinks. Please help yourself to anything you like, but you plan to drink alcohol, please be responsible. Anyone who would like to spend the night is welcome to do so, there are plenty of places to curl up for a warm nap.
The bathroom is out on the back terrace, just make your way through the small plastic door and you will find the liter box waiting on the other side. If you are a cat who is afraid of pet doors, just ask I will make the human open it for you.
We request that you don't smoke in the house, but you have need please step out onto the front terrace. It is also a great place to go cool down and get some fresh air after dancing.

And speaking of dancing, the living room is set up as a disco. Our male human is hard at work as the party DJ, if you have any requests just ask him.

This eveing, in the family room, there will be a viewing of the BEST ITALIAN FILM EVER; "La Vita é Bella" (Life is Beautiful). Click the video below for preview.
The party will going on all day and into the night. You are welcome to stay as long as you like. Please feel free to bring guests, this is a celebration of our life in Italy and EVERYONE is welcome.
We hope you have a wonderful time and look forward to seeing old friends and making new ones.
-Roscoe (and Opus too)
What a great party! :) All of those pizzas look delicious! :) Yum! :)
Happy Third Anniversary in Italy! :) I'm glad you enjoy living there. :)
I'm looking forward to the trip to Pisa. :)
Hey I will be glad when the time get later in the day and the Americans and Aussies arrive. I wonder if everyone is sleeping in after Brandi's party. I'll keep the pizzas on the warmer. Until everyone gets here I did bring Opus and Roscoe's favorite treats from the USA, let's have a few.
Wow, a pizza party! My favorite! I loves pizza pies. And the lizard pizza is delicioso! This is a very wonderful party. Congratulations on your third anniversary living in Italy.
I may have a drink, but I do not smoke. Except on the dance floor! Hahahahahah! Let's dance!
Dragonheart- You are the first to arrive! Welcome! Help yourself to some pizza, we should have some more guests arriving soon.
Sassy- Thanks for keeping the pizzas warm. We forgot about the time change thing.
Daisy- Welcome, welcome! So glad you like the lizard pizza, we made it just for you. Just grab a drink from our female human. If you don't see something you like, we will make her go to the store. Looking forward to seeing you, someone call the fire department! Yeah!
Opus and Roscoe
Opus and Roscoe,
Happy Third Year in Italy!
I love your parties, and I love that you think of the doggies too! You are both so thoughtful, and such great hosts! I personally will enjoy some pepperoni pizza, YUM!! And don't worry, I'll behave around the balls... actually those are hard and heavy so they're not much fun for me anyhow. My teeth are not doing so well... however, if the kitties start playing games with tennis balls I cannot guarantee I will be able to control the urge to chew! :-)
Love, Shefarra
PS Tank, Dubs, and Lola are with Dad right now so mom (Annie) says she'll let them know about the party!
Wow, what a party! I think I'll have a slice of the pepperoni pizza and leave the nemo pizza for the furry ones. Next I will hit the dance floor if anyone wants to join me.
Great party grandkitties!!
You cats know how to throw a party! what a great way to celebrate your anniversary =) Sophie is so in~ and especially likes the fish pizza. (is that NEMO?? ::gasp::)
Your humans are a hoot!
Does anyone need anything? Please just let me know. I am going to check out the dancing in the other room. Party on!!!!
bacon pizza!!! i luf bacon!!
Shefarra-We are so happy that you here. It is wonderful that you always make it to our parites. Come on in and make yourselves at home. It is so good to see you again.
Grandma- Thanks for making it to our party! We are so happy to have you here! Dance, grandma, DANCE!
Miss Stacy- Our humans are a bit crazy, but then so are we! So happy that Miss Sophie is able to come to the party! Let us know if there is anything we can get her. And yes, that IS Nemo on our pizza, so glad you noticed!
Sassy- Thanks for your help! Save a dance for us!
honey p. sunshine- Enjoy the bacon pizza! Eat all you want! We'll make more! So glad you could make it!
Opus and Roscoe
Ciao bella ragazzi,
oh wow look at all those pizzas!
we are a bit tired since yesterdays party was very late for us but we will help ourselves to some bites of pizza and since we are in Italy maybe you can help us with a fine espresso and some latte macciato for momma?
fanks for inviting us!
Happy 3rd Italy Annifursary, Opus and Roscoe!! Wow, efurrything looks great!!
I want to dance with your Grandma. She is a good dancer!
Um, do you think I could have another slice of that lizard pizza?
Mystery loooves pepperoni pizza!! (She thinks she'll stay away from the lizard pizza, hee hee)!!
You kitties sure know how to throw a party! We Calabrian doggies (and puppies) will take anything so long as it's got peperoncino on it!
Those pizzas are divine. I'm glad you have plenty to drink as I tend to get thirsty after pizza. However, I hope there is non alcoholic stuff there. I do not like the alcohol.
I'm looking forward to tipping the tower...!
Holy Moly do you guys ever know how to put on a party!!! The pizzas look delish and the specialty pizzas are great! And you thought of everything from servants to litter boxes!
We think we'll hang around awhile and sample all the pizzas, then take naps in your comfy nap places and then get up and sample the pizzas again!!!!!!!!
Astrid, Kashim & Othello said- Welcome, welcome, welcome! Come on in and make yourselves at home! We so glad you could make it! We will get our servant to work on your espresso and macciato! Eat all the pepperoni pizza you like!
Smeagol & Strider (Mystery & Gizmo too!)- So happy to have you here! Please help yourselves to the pizza. Thanks for making it to the party!
Daisy- Have as much lizard pizza as you like! We have more lizards and can make another pizza. Uh oh, one of the lizards got away! Can you help us catch it when you are done dancing with Grandma?
sognatrice- So nice you puppies form the south could make it! I bet you are really good at bocce ball!
Cheysuli- There is plenty of things do drink that won't make you do funny things. We have coke, sprite, pepsi, juice, bottled water and tea. If there is something else you would like, we can send the human to the store. Thanks for being here!
Scooby, Shaggy & Scout - Stay as long as you like! We will be going on a town tour tomorrow with our friends who stay the night. There is room for everyone! Enjoy the pizza and thanks for coming!
I think we have enough people/animals here for bocce ball. Anyone want to head outside to play a round?
Opus and Roscoe
WOWY! Whut a great party! Our beans has been to lots of places in Italy before, but we hasn't - Mommakitty
s favorite place is Sienna.
We luvs da little Nemo pizza - yummmm! Our Mommakitty plays bocce ball in competition, and she's not even Italian - she has been playing fer 30+ yrs (cuz she's old).
Thanks fer having such a great party...we might just hang here mmost of da day!
what a great party!! WOOO HOOO!!! the pizza is delicioso and the music is great too!! You guys ROCK!!
and concatulations on 3 years in Italy
I'm back for more yummy pizza! :) Delicious!
Hello kitties! Congratulations on three years in Italy Opus and Roscoe and thank you for inviting us! We definately have to try some of the fish pizza - it looks so good. When we go on a tour of the town can we go see all of the Dante stuff you told us about? Our Dante would love to learn new things about his namesake!
Finally, mum turned on the puter so I could get to the party.
Happy Day Opus and Roscoe. You were furry brave to take off with your human to a new country. Three years!!
It has been a pleasure to get to know you over the past few years.
Now, I would like a crab pizza and a niptini please.
I will join the gang and chat for a while. Ciao.
Happy 3rd anniversary in Italy, Opus and Roscoe!!
What a GREAT party and delicious pizza's! I think I try a piece of the Lizard Pizza, I might not get another chance for a while. (No lizards in Holland.:)
YuM-yUm-YUM... Maybe DJ Daddy has also romantic dance music for Karl and I??
The game "Tip the Tower" was wonderful and also good for my shape... so many parties lately...;
Happy Anniversay!!Opus and Roscoe!! Momo is finally here after a long flight from Toronto! What a great pawty!! I don't know which pizza I should try first!! Oh, Yes, I am planning to try everything on the table!!
So..my friend Momo hasn't arrived??
I've left some bottles of red wine from Canada on the table. Please feel free to try!
Momo xoxo
Oh, YUM! All of the pizzas look especially delicious, so we're having a hard time deciding which to try first! Our favorite toppings here in California are pepperoni with jalapeños ... But ham pizza is good, too.
Hmmm ... Maybe we'll play bocce while we decide where to start pizza-wise.
Thanks for inviting us!
DMM and the Feline Americans
Wow, what a party. Missy Blue Eyes, here, bringing the Sherwood Cats. Here is KC, who needs no introduction, followed by Momma Dinah and her six Baby Mites: Sol, Nigel, BJ, Earl, Bond and precious Autumn, the only girl of the litter. Behind them is the statuesque Momma Tortie with her tiny babes, Baby Tortie, Baby Tuxie and Baby Socks.
Oh, that pizza looks delish. And there is a placed to put the three babies to nap.
KC heres... i's wanna climb tha leaning tower... wanna climb tha tower... oh, hope Millie and Persophene are heres... come 'on, lets go par-tee!
What a grate party, hi everyone...oh, lookit, pizza! We love pizza! We'll just grab a slice and hit the dance floor...Oooo, is dat catnip wine! Woohoo dis is a really grate party. Oh, Bocce Ball! Happy 3 years in Italy!
What a great party! Think I'll leave the fish and lizard pizzas for the furries because I can't bring myself to eat little Nemo and I think lizard might be a bit yucky for a bean, but they all look very delicious!
Happy 3rd Italy anniversary:) xxx
Pawsome party! That pizza is fabulous! What a great place!
Tara and Kavan
Wowwwie! Happy anniversary! Party time! Pizza time! The selection is just SOOOOOOOO delicious! Nom, nom, nom, nom, nom, nom!!!! Lizard pizza - well I haven't tried that one before. Hey, Sassy, are you still here? Your picture is up!!!!!! How nice! Momo (dog), Momo, you haven't gone yet, have you? So nice to see everybody! Daisy, Grandma, EVERYONE, let's dance and jiggle! We have to push the Tower back, not tip it over, silly! where is the ball? Has Momo-dog got it? Throw it this way!
Hello! I made it to the party! Is there any tuna pizza left?
Unfortunately my human is hogging the computer to do work stuff today but I will be around, I'll be quietly eating pizza somewhere in the background. Great party!
Hello! Hello! We have come to the party! This is Trixie and Pyewacket. Tigger will be along later.
We brought you a lamington, a vegemite sandwich and a slice of pavlova to eat. Oh, and a XXXX beer for you to sniff.
Great party!
Oh, and we just went to the tower in Pisa with Her last month.
Note to self - get Her to post the pic!
G'day, great party. Ciao! I hope Pyewacket is behaving herself. She's only young you know. :)
Hi Tigger, Trixie and Pye, nice to see you here. Time the Australian contingent arrive. Pye, go easy, OK? Don't get overexcited and make yourself sick.
Oh, I forgot! I brought you a whole bag of lizards. I was out hunting in the garden yesterday and being spring, there were lizards galore!
I thought I would stop by and say happy third anniversary in Italy. I have never been here before! How pretty everything is! And, even though I am pretty tired from our party last night, how could I resist a little more partying with friends and of course, I have never tired of hamm pizza. My, this is good stuff... You are celebrating all month??? Wow!
Hmmmmmmmm - Pizza! I LOVE PIZZA! What a great party!!!! And Ruis is here already - we can dance to romantic music.... maybe some nice Italian love song, DJ?
And I will have PLENTY of that lizard pizza, good thing you had more in the oven, Daisy has a good appetite today!
I brought Emil and Mrs. OZ along, it is time they get out into the blogosphere a bit...
Ruis - where are you - I want to dance.....
Hi Opus and Roscoe
I'm not a cat,but my fwiend Momo talked about youw pawty,and I loveItaly and pizza,and well I have a bottle of pwoseco and some ramazotti fow aftew,so may I pleez join in youw pawty?? I have nevew met anyone i don't like,o I think I would love you too
smoochie kisses
After the movie Life is Beautiful we have had some requests for the movie musical Cata, we will be showing that in the den in a few minutes. Grab some snacks and come on in if you want to see it.
Great to see everyone, IS EVERYBODY HAPPY? PARTY HARD, a special hello to Momo and Momo the dog, my closest friends. Good to see you, of course I am here I will be in and out for the month to help with all of the partying going on. Glad you liked my picture. Has anyone seen Victor Tabbycat yet?
Hey Opus and Roscoe!! Great party! The pizzas are delicious!!
Sorry to just be getting here, mom lost my anti-bio-tics and I've been enjoying her look for them like crazy!!
Kimo and Sabi- Thanks for being here! We are so happy to have you. Nice to know you like the Nemo pizza. Our male human thought is was a bad idea, but we knew it would be a hit. Have fun!
Meezers- Welcome! Dance your tails off guys! Enjoy some pizza and have a great time. Stay as long as you like! We are so happpy you are here!
Dragonheart- Eat away buddy! Eat away!
Captain Jack and Dante- We will show you guys all of the Dante stuff we can find! Maybe we will have to give Dante a personal tour of Ravenna one day and show him the tomb of Dante! Ravenna isn't far from where we live, so we could take a trip there! Thanks for coming guys!
Derby- We were wondering where our Colt fan friend was. How did the game go (or hasn't it been on yet)? Thanks for making the trip to Italy. Enjoy the pizza and niptini.
Ruis- Hope you like the lizard pizza. If you ever need some lizards, we could send you some freeze dried ones in the mail. Thanks for coming. Will try to get the human to play a slow song or two for you guys!
Momo- Our favorite dog with a blog! Welcome to the pawty! We are soooo happy that you could make it. Help yourself the pizza and drinks and let us know if you need anything. We don't expect you to use the litter box on the terrace. Just let our human servent know when you need to go outside. Thank you so much for being here. Looking forward to getting to know you better! And thanks so much for the wine!
Daisy Mae Maus- We love pepperoni, but not sure about the jalapenos. HOT! Did you know that the word pepperoni is Italian for peppers (as in red, green, and yellow)? Enjoy the party and have fun with the bocce ball game!
Missy Blue Eyes, Momma Dinah, KC, Sol, Nigel, BJ, Earl, Bond, Autumn, Momma Tortie, Baby Tortie, Baby Tuxie and Baby Socks - Thank you all so much for coming to our pizza party! We are just delighted to have you all! Enjoy the day and let us know if you need anything. Feel free to climb the tower, just be careful because it really leans a lot.
Zippy, Sadie and Speedy- Thank you so much! Enjoy the dance floor and pass us a glass of that cat nip wine!
This is one great party! I am trying to find Daisy because I hear she wants to dance with me. I will be in the room with the dancing. Come on down. After I am done dancing I am giving free back rubs and rubs behind the ears, those that feel like puring feel free to do so.
Black cat- Thank you for being here. Please don't eat anything that doesn't look good. Help yourself to the drinks and let us know if you need anything. Wanna dance with us a bit?
Tara- Thank you so much for making the trip to Italy! We are glad that you are having fun. Need a refill on your drink?
Momo- Welcome to our home! So glad to see you here! Thanks for coming. Be sure to try a slice of each pizza! Eat as much as you want, we'll make more. Are you ready to dance some more?
Fat Eric- Thanks for coming to Italy! It is wonderful to see you! Stay as long as you like, there is no ending time to the party. If you would like stay for a nap, there is pleanty of room. Tomorrow we can take you on a tour of our town. Have some pizza!
Trixie and Pyewacket- Welcome to the party! Thank you so much for the goodies you brought. It was so thoughtful of you. Can't wait to see your photos of the Pisa tower. Are you gonna go with us there later to play tip the tower?
Tigger- Glad you are Tigger! Don't worry too much anout Pyewacket. We have humans to clean up any mess she might make, wo we aren't worried about. We just hope that you all have a great time. Enjoy some pizza.
Momo- Wow, a whole bag of lizards? Are they still alive?
Brandi- Thanks for coming. We tried to make it to your party, but it got too late for our old humans. Hope you all had a wonderful time. Enjoy some pizza and let us know if you need anything. And yes, we are going to party ALL MONTH! WHOOO HOOOO!
Karl, Emil and Mrs. OZ- Thank you all for making it to our party. We have a lot more lizard pizzas, so help yourselves and pig out! Glad you guys are here. You didn't happen to bring any cat nip with you, did ya? Got extra? Did you get through customs OK?
Asta- Welcome, welcome! We are so happy to meet you. Please come in and make yourself at home. What a sweet and good looking dog you are! There are already two other dogs here and you will find that the cats at this party like dogs. Hugs and kisses to you too. Let us know if you need anything. Will you be staying the night for our town tour tomorrow?
Sassy- Thanks for starting the moive. We LOVE the movie Cats and hope our dog friends don't mind if we watch it. We are gonna grab a couple of cans of tuna and meet you on the couch for the movie. Who else is in?
Beau- Don't be sorry, you aren't late! This is a party without time zones. Folks can come and go as they please. If you feel like staying the night, you can even go on a town tour with us tomorrow. Let us know what we can get you. Can we start you off with a slice of pizza?
Opus and Roscoe
Cats the musical, I love it! I'm just going to grab one more of those yummy fish pizza and I'll be there. Don't start before I get there. Victor Tabbycat isn't here. I think he said somewhere that he mightn't make it here today but I may be wrong!
Did I hear back rubs and ear rubs? Yes, yes! I'm putting my name down. I also like chin rubs and tummy rubs. SS tell me I am too demanding and talking too much. Must be the catnip! No? I talk that much at home too? Oh, well! I shall stop for a while.
Hi Grandma! Glad you are still here! It is so nice to have an extra human in the house to help out. Did you find Daisy? She wanted to dance with you.
Opus and Roscoe
Momo-Don't stop! We love to hear you talk! We start the movie without you. Could you grab us a slice of pizza while you are in the kitchen please.
Opus and Roscoe
I'm bringing in a whole tray of pizza, so that we don't have to keep ducking out for them. The lizards? Oh, no lizards survive after I'm through with them. SS froze them so they remain fit for consumption. Seems to be a few more tails than heads there.
Grandma can come to the den when she is finished with the dancing and start the rubs. OK, OK, SS stop nudging me! She thinks I'm being demanding and should mind my manners.
Well guys, is almost midnight and we are old cats. We think it is time to lay down and take a cat nap. Don't worry, the party isn't over though. Keep enjoying yourselves and we will check in again in a few hours (or in a few, few hours). We gave our humans lots of espresso, so they will be up all night to take care of our guests. The male will continue to play music, so just ask him for your favorite songs. The female is here to wait on you, so if you need anything she will be happy to get it for you.
Thank you all for coming, will check back again soon after we have had a couple of z's.
Have fun!
Opus and Roscoe
Momo- we will join you for the movie and snacks, though we might have to close our little, eyes for part of the movie. We are starting to get sleepy. Maybe Gradma can use her other hand to pet us while she is petting you.
See you in the family room for the show!
Yippie!! We love Pizza! Thanks for inviting us Roscoe and Opus!! We are having a wonderful time. Happy 3rd Anniversary in Italy!! It is such a beautiful country! We are ready to boggie all night long!!
I was just wondering if I could anyone anything before the movie starts?
The female human
Ciao Samantha and Tigger- Welcome to the party. We are just getting ready to watch a movie. Grab a slice of pizza and come on in and join us. Of course you can always dance or play bocce ball if you prefer. So glad that you are both here!
Opus and Roscoe
After the movie Cats we will be show Milo and Otis. Those that want to join us welcome, come on in even if you are sleepy and take a CAT NAP, dogs can take a cat nap too, ha
Been dancing but not sure if I was dancing with Daisy, been trying to find her. Getting late for me so I am going into the movie room and watch things until I get tired then will saw some zzzzzzzzzzz's
Wondering if there are any other humans that can help me with the rubs until I get too sleepy?
Boy!!! When you said italian pizza was the best ,you weren't kidding!!!! This is one great party!!!Woot! Woot!
I brought lots of fresh, homegrown nip - I put it at the food table - everybody go help yourself! No, no problem at customs, I put it in Mrs. OZ suitcase, hahahahahaha....
Watch Emil - he is mischievous and likes to POUNCE on cat's backs whenever they do not expect it at all!
Ciao, Opus & Roscoe, and thanks for inviting us! We've been wanting to come to Italy, since our human mom's daughter, Tiffany, lives in Rome. After the party we're going to dash down to the Eternal City to see her and maybe prowl through a few ruins! Two of our staff cats, Fred & Holly, are there in Rome with her. I'll tell them to put a post up on our blog so you can see them!
You're right about the pizza in Italy. Our mom gorged on pizza during her last visit to Rome and now she says she can't even eat America's excuse for pizza!
Buona Sera,
Rocky & the Artsy Catsy staff
Trust Karl to be doing something sneaky like that! Not that I am ungrateful for the catnip. Nap? Who needs a nap when there is so much going on? Besides this is only 11AM for us Aussiecats! SS says I can stay here while she works and she'll call back once in a while to make sure I'm not up to any mischief. Mischief? Moi? Not likely (Sniggers).
Hi Opus and Roscoe!
Thank you for inviting me. Congratulations on your 3rd anniversary.
Say, that pizza really does look great! Well, there goes my slimming diet. LOL!
Ok the football is over. I have good news and bad news.
Good news - the Packers won
Bad news - the Colts lost, to New England. Bummer for you guys.
But time to drown the sorrow. Another niptini please and more pizza.
Ahhh, that niptini tasted good. Another please.
Opus and Roscoe!! What a great pawty!! I am still here to enjoy greeting your friends while sampling some drink and pizza!! Momo-cat arrived here safe after me. I've never seen lizards in my life, Momo! I saw my doggie friend Asta! I am glad she made it!
I am glad you said I am your favorite dog with a blog. :) :) I'll be around here for a while if it's ok with you!
Momo xoxo
OK, Ok, OK, here is what's up next. Movies all night, pizza is on the warming trays, Karl has the nip, dancing has slowed down since the neighbors complained that the music was getting too loud, pillows are all around the house for those who want to snuggle down.
Movies to be shown-Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, Cat In The Hat, Batman & Catwoman, (the following for our doggie friends-Old Yellow, Rin Tin Tin, Lassie Go Home, (for all the classic-Gone With The Wind.
Make yourselves at home, time for this cat to get shut eye.
See you all in the morning, nite.
Oh forgot, first one up please warm up the milk and plug in the coffee pot for the humans.
Hi Momo, Here MoMo here. More confusion for all concerned with this type of greetings between us. I'm watching movies in the den, come and join me and we can snuggle up. SS has left me here and will call back later for me. Asta is a nice woofie! Why is Charlie not here?
Opus and Roscoe,
I'm sorry I'm so late. My beans were out of town and I was in charge while they were away. This is a great party! If there's any crab pizza left, I'd like some of that. Also, I'm interested in bocce ball. Hope I spelled it correctly. How do you play it? I'm might dance with someone if they teach me how to do some of those Italian dances.
Happy Third Anniversary in Italy! I'm so glad you like living there -- it looks as if you'll be there for a long time!
Is there any pizza left? I'm sorry we're late but Mom isn't feeling very well today. For a while there we didn't know if we'd even make it!
Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus
Thank you for inviting us to your pizza party Opus and Roscoe. We took a tour of your lovely apartment -- it's beautiful! The pizza was delicious, especially the crab!!
Mom says we must leave now. Bye!
Happy 3rd Anniversary in Italy! It's lovely here and we're sorry to be so late. Willow and I will just get some of that delicious looking pizza a try! Oh, a movie sounds great too.
It is so nice to meet both of you, Roscoe and Opus!
Purrrrrs, China Cat
How wonderful - a pizza party to celebrate for 3rd anniversary in Italy! It looks like you are enjoying yourselves indeed! Thanks for inviting us - China Cat suggested the lizard pizza. We had the lizard stew at Daisy's so lizard pizza sounds great!
It's so nice to meet you both, Roscoe and Opus!
Purrrrrrrrs, Willow
Oooooo!! PIZZA!!! With FISHIES!!!!
Happy 3rd Italy Anniversary, Opus and Roscoe!!
Hi Opus and Roscue! Happy anniversary! Am I too late for Tower Tipping?
Happy anniversary guys! Thanks for inviting me - even though I'm a dog, I gave up chasing cats years ago. This pizza is grrrreat! I love pizza (I have been known to attack the pizza men that come to the door occasionally, but only because they smell like pizza! This is a great party; sorry I'm a bit late; I missed my flight from wherever I was - see? an old dog's memory is not too good,. Anyway, I'm having a barking good time, love the puppacino!
Do stop by my place some time - the berlin tour is still on and we've had all kinds of animals along.
Cheers & ciao!
Oh we LUV pizza and great party ~THe FLuffy TRibe
Happy Third Anniversary in Italy. The pizza looks delicious. I'll grab a couple of slices of pepperoni pizza and head to the movie room. I'm available for giving scritches and rubs to any dog or cat who wants them.
Grandma- Looks like you had a great time on the dance floor. You and Daisy sure tore it up! Sorry, but we thinks you is the only human, other than our slaves, at the party.
Mickey- Glad you like the pizza and so happy to have you here. Come on in and enjoy the moive!
Karl- Once again, you came through with the nip. We would have bought some, but they don't sell it here. Thought about growning our own, but we don't want to end up in Kitty jail. We here the ITalian cats there can be mean. Thanks for sharing and glad that you brought Mrs. Oz and Emil to join in on the fun.
Rocky and the staff- CIAO! Wow, your humans are in Rome! They should come up for the party! We are so happy to have you here and look forward to seeing the photos of Italy!
Momo- Don't you know that ANY time is naptime in our house! You must be a young cat, but believe us when we say that as an older you will sleep much more. Well, we might also be a little lazy too! Hehehe
Beezer- There will always be tomorrow, start you diet then (of course in our house, tomorrow never comes)!
Derby- How could share such bad news with us! Well, I guess it is better than telling a lie, but we are so sad the Colts lost. I guess you can't win them every time. Thanks for the report!
Momo - We are so happy that you are having a great time Momo. See, cats aren't so bad, are we? Help yourself to some more pizza and stay as long as you like!
Sassy- Thanks for your help. Moives all night sounds great, but we aren't sure we can stay awake that long. You guys party on though!
Love the list of moives you chose and our humans thank you for the coffee reminder!
Alexi- Don't worry about being late. You are never too late to join our party! So glad that you could make it. There is plenty of pizza still left and tons of cold drinks. Most of us are watching moives in the family room, but there still are some crazy cats on the dance floor. Enjoy the night and stay as long as you like!
Tiger Lily- There is a ton of pizza in the kitchen. Sassy has been good about keeping it warm. There are also some other snacks that our guests brought along with wine and other cold drinks. Come on in and have some fun. Glad you are here!
Jemima, Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus- We didn't mean to leave the rest of you guys out. There is still lots of pizza, please help yourselves. Sorry to hear your human isn't well and we hope she is back on her feet soon. Stay as long as you like and enjoy the party!
China Cat and Willow-Welcome, welcome! It is so nice to meet you, thank you for coming. There is a lot going on. We are starting a moive, some are dancing, while others are out on the terrace chatting. Please come in and make yourselves at home.
Persephone and Jack- Nice to see you! Glad you could stop in. Get yourselves something to eat and drink. Too late for the tower tipping? NO such thing!
Orable and Charely- So glad you could come. As you can see, there are a few other dogs here. Isn't it nice that we all get along so well! We would love to come on your Berlin tour! Can't wait!
Fluffy Tribe- If you like pizza then you came to the right place! Eat your hearts out and thanks for coming!
Karen Jo- So nice to have another human come to the party. OUr Grandma was worried that she might have to do all the rub'in! Enjoy some pizza and come snuggle up with us for a movie. Thanks for being here!
Opus and Roscoe
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