We have gotten our story almost finished and are now looking for actors to play the roles. We are looking for animals to play the part of the detective, an old woman, a tiny missing cat, a fish market man, and a mean dog. If you interested, leave us a comment stating so and the part you would like to play. We will do our best to accommodate everyone. The pay is 10 kitty kisses from Italy per actor.
Who knows, this could be your big break!
***We are pleased to announce that all of the roles have filled at this time. Thank you to everyone who showed an interest.***
(All that is required to "star" in the story is a photo).
I would like to be the old woman! I will send you a picture for my audition right away!
Hey, I see that Daisy has auditioned for a part in the story! If you cannot find any cat I will have a try at it, I really have so many behind the scene things to do I hope someone else will audition, it only involves sending a picture to you guys.
I think I'd make a great detective being the house hunter and all. Let me know if you're interested!
Daisy- Thank you for being the first! We were starting to worry that no one wanted to be in our show. Can't wait to see the photo. I am sure you will make a wonderul old woman.
Sassy- Thanks for the offer. We may use you if no one else is interested. Otherwise we know that you have a lot to do. Hope to you get you our scrip by tonight, if not you will have it first thing in the morning.
Latte- Thanks so much! We are sure that you make a great dectective!
Opus and Roscoe
I will audition for the part of the missing cat; I am small enough and have plenty of different coloured fluff to leave trails. I'll send you a picture (or two) right away.
I can do the fish market man! Do you need a sitting picture, standing or any certain pose? Let me know!
Your FL furiends,
Mr. Tigger
Hi I guess I could be a mean dog..it would take some gweat acting on my pawt. but I'd like to audition..what do mean dogs do??
please let me know if I should send a head shot ow what?
smoochie kisses
pee ess I've seen them film some of the stuff awound my neighbowhood..so i have some expewience
Ummm. on fuwthew considewation, can I audition fow the wole of fish mawket man..I don't think I'm a good enough actwess to be a mean dog
smoochie kisses
Mr. Tigger- Thank you so much for your offer. The role is yours! Any photo with a good, head shot would be fine. If you are looking at the camera, it will even be better.
Asta- How exciting! You have seen them shoot in your area! You must have lot of expericnce and we are so happy to have you on board! Mr. Tigger beat you to the role of the fishmarket man, but we know you will do great in the role of the mean dog. We know it will be a stretch for you, but you can do it! All we need is a good head shot photo or even one of you standing will be great to.
Thank you so much for joining the team! This should be a great show. Hope they pick our script!
Opus and Roscoe
Opus and Roscoe, sure I will play the mean dog! Not a problem. Asta can play the Fish Market man. It will be fun playing a dog!! Just let me know what kind of picture you need!
Opus & Roscoe-Checking in to see how the casting is going. Looks like everything is falling into place. A big thank you to all who have volunteered to help with our first post of CCSI!
I have just beeen awarded an aristocratic title (see the side bar of my blog). Would that add some spice to the script?
ps: Opus and Roscoe, I gave you a special award! The details are on my blog.
CCSI, that sounds great!:) If anycat falls out I volunteer. Except for the mean dog, I can play all , also the old woman (I'm neutered, nobody sees.)
Detective Skeeter here:
I am investigating the matter of the "whapping" of Reporter Sam Smith and I have received suggestions that you may know something of the matter.
Thewre is a small matter of a possible "mob connection" that I need to explore. I am working "for" cheysuli, but will investigate the matter where te facts lead. If you would contact me at [skeeter and lc -2118 at comcast.net] (leaving out the spaces) I would appreciate it greatly. Confidentialiaty is assured...
I would like to play the sailor if there is one. I really like the water, yes, I know that is strange but I am a Maine Coon Cat http://catcast.podomatic.com
or subscribe through iTunes
I'm sowwy to heaw Opus is not well..I would cewtainly come and nuwse him if you need me..I want him to get bettew vewy soon! What's wong with him?? I'm not a dogtow , just a nuwse, so I hope he has the best of cawe!
smoochie kisses
Use my newly-conjured title only if you feel that it would add a bit of spice/mystery/grandiosity/whatever to the story. Charlie's owner put SS onto this crazy stint this morning when they were both bored off their brains.
Tigger-Thanks for the switch! We are sure you will be a great mean dog.
Sassy- All is taken care of!
Daisy- Thank you SO MUCH!
Ruis- Thanks for offering to help. We were wondering if you would like to be in scene as a sailor OR if you would like to be the director?
Cavebear- Will get back to you in private. Just know, we ain't no rats!
kitty cat cast- I think we could sneak a sailor in the scene at the fish market or in the shipping yard.
Asta- Thank you for your well wishes. Opus has been barfing since Tuesday. But he only barfs when he eats. We are all a bit worried about him, but the vet seems it was just stress from his treatments last week (he had to put in a cage twice a day to get meds). We hope he can soon....
Momo- Not only would it add spice, it is perfect because the missing cat is called Fluffy!
Roscoe (and Opus)
Roscoe & Opus, I like water so a sailor would be great. But kitty cat cast loves the water too. I do not know yet what I have to do as a director, but that should not be a problem I think. Hmmmm, director doesn't sound bad...;)
PS - Thanks for the invitation to play at your home. But I better stay home, someone has to look after our kitty-gang when the staff is partying.
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